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Re: [egit-dev] Cherry pick workflow?


> I don't see how you could use the history view for this. For me it
> would be more natural to add the remote, fetch the objects and then
> open a 'Open Type' similar dialog to hunt for commits to cherry pick.

I would also prefer that I don't have to go to another view and can
select an appropriate commit in a dialog. But, as Shawn said, that's a
mainly a history view in a dialog. In the dialog version we could skip
some of the data presented in history view (e.g. the diffs, affected
files, etc) and simply filter the list more and more as you type a
search phrase. Possibilities to show only commits which have refs
(e.g. branches) pointing to them would help also. As fast way to
select a commit I would like such a dialog.

-- Chris

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