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  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Andrew Rouse on Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Andrew Rouse on Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] PMC Approval required for Project Lead election for Matej Novotny on Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] New project Proposal Jakarta Logging, Eclipse Management Office EMO
  • [ee4j-pmc] Reminder to vote on the Committer Election for Andrew Rouse on Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Andrew Rouse on Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection has started, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer election is now complete for David Matějček on Eclipse ORB, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for David Matějček on Eclipse ORB, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Reminder to vote on the Committer Election for David Matějček on Eclipse ORB, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Ondro Mihalyi on Eclipse GlassFish, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Ondro Mihalyi on Eclipse GlassFish, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for David Matějček on Eclipse ORB has started, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Reminder to vote on the Committer Election for Ondro Mihalyi on Eclipse GlassFish, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Ondro Mihalyi on Eclipse GlassFish has started, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Reminder to vote on the Committer Election for Markus Karg on Jakarta JSON Binding, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Markus Karg on Jakarta JSON Binding has started, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] PMC Approval required for Project Lead election for Scott M Stark on Jakarta EE TCK, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Reminder to vote on the Project Lead Election for Scott M Stark on Jakarta EE TCK, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Project Lead Election for Scott M Stark on Jakarta EE TCK has started, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Ladislav Thon on Jakarta EE TCK, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer election is now complete for Matej Novotny on Jakarta EE TCK, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Ladislav Thon on Jakarta EE TCK, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Matej Novotny on Jakarta EE TCK, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Reminder to vote on the Committer Election for Matej Novotny on Jakarta EE TCK, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Reminder to vote on the Committer Election for Ladislav Thon on Jakarta EE TCK, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Reminder to vote on the Project Lead Election for Matej Novotny on Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Ladislav Thon on Jakarta EE TCK has started, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Matej Novotny on Jakarta EE TCK has started, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Project Lead Election for Matej Novotny on Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection has started, Eclipse Foundation
  • [ee4j-pmc] Add Emily Jiang to the EE4J PMC, Ivar Grimstad
  • [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta Data 1.0 release review, Kyle Aure
  • [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta Security 4.0 Release Review, Arjan Tijms
  • [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta Faces 4.1 Release Review, Arjan Tijms
  • [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta Authentication 3.1 Release Review, Arjan Tijms
  • [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta Concurrency 3.1 release review, Nathan Rauh
  • [ee4j-pmc] Process for new spec project, Scott Stark
  • Re: [ee4j-pmc] [gransasso-dev] A ping to check how you are progressing, Tanja Obradovic
  • [ee4j-pmc] Request review for Jakarta Rest-4.0, Jim Krueger
  • [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta Persistence 3.2 release review, Lukas Jungmann
  • [ee4j-pmc] Tyrus 2.2.0 release review, Jan Supol
  • [ee4j-pmc] Eclipse Jersey 4.0.0 release review, Jan Supol
  • [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta Server Pages 4.0.0 Release Review, Mark Thomas
  • [ee4j-pmc] Request assistance for Jakarta Validation, Scott Stark
  • [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta Authorization 3.0.0 Release Review, Arjan Tijms
  • [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta Servlet 6.1.0 Release Review, Mark Thomas
  • [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta WebSocket 2.2.0 Release Review, Mark Thomas
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Maxim Nesen on Jakarta XML Binding™ has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer election is now complete for James Perkins on Jakarta RESTful Web Services™, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Request assistance for Jakarta RESTful Web Services™, Jim Krueger
  • [ee4j-pmc] CDI 4.1 release, Scott Stark
  • [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta Expression Language 6.0.0 Release Review, Mark Thomas
  • [ee4j-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Maximillian Arruda on Jakarta NoSQL, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for James Perkins on Jakarta RESTful Web Services™, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Jakarta Annotations 3.0 Release review, Lukas Jungmann
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for Maximillian Arruda on Jakarta NoSQL has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] Committer Election for James Perkins on Jakarta RESTful Web Services™ has started, emo
  • [ee4j-pmc] PMC Approval required for the Jakarta EE Platform Project's progress review, Eclipse Management Office EMO

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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