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Re: [ee4j-community] Community Control was Jakarta EE logo selection

On 2018-03-27 2:36 PM, Werner Keil wrote:
Although Markus may sometimes express his point a little more drastically, he does have a point on this.

He did not ask about general Eclipse committer membership which is free. Out of the thousand or more committer members only one may be elected into some or all of the Jakarta EE WG committees, that seems given right now, unless the number changes slightly, but 1, 2 or 3 I am sure there won't be more representatives of "the community" if you include the odd JUG that can afford the 5k$ annual fee.

Your reference to "...the thousand or more committer members..." is bogus. That number is (I assume) a reference to the total of ~1500 current committers across all Eclipse projects. So far there are 103 EE4J committers, of which most work for member companies Oracle, IBM, Red Hat, Payara, Tomitribe, etc. There is somewhere around 10-ish individual committers in EE4J that will be represented by one seat on the spec and steering committees. Even if those numbers go up by 2 or 3 times as the rest of the projects roll in, the population to representation ratio is closer to 10:1 than 1000:1 on an order of magnitude basis.

Mike Milinkovich
(m) +1.613.220.3223

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