I think you have misunderstood me. I never suggested anything that would hint towards moving
EE4J projects to cloud foundry. I have no idea what made you think of that. I am merely exploring a way to enable the downstream community such as Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to build products and services on the cloud foundry platform using EE4J implementations.
Most open source cloud technology and platforms today encourage the usage of Apache License 2 and I do not assume that this would be a threat to Payara or any of the other cloud base projects that are being developed in the current Eclipse ecosystem. Yet, I find your tone pretty dismissive,
I don't think the compatibility between Apache License 2 and EPL2 warrants a debate, as I believe, we all understand that it is only one-way compatible and therefore would take a lot of options out of the table for ISVs even if the EPL license gets accepted at Cloud Foundry. With respect to whether it would solve the current license compatibility issues under discussion, I would let the PMC decide the best course of action.