When some of the Java EE Reference Implementations were being developed through the JCP under Oracle, I doubt if the initial contributors realized the value of those implementations in cloud based deployment environments. I am not blaming them for oversight, as I understand that the cloud ecosystem was also evolving in parallel and probably was not mature enough to be considered as a viable distribution option at that time. The CDDL+GPL2CE or even the recent EPL2+GPLCE does not look favorable for those environments as some of the popular cloud platforms such as Cloud Foundry mandate the usage of ASL (Refer Section II.B of
https://www.cloudfoundry.org/governance/cff_ip_policy/). With the current licensing of EE4J, I do not see an option where I (or any ISV) can create services or product offerings by leveraging the EE4J implementations on the Cloud Foundry platform. I see that Eclipse Jetty is already targeting Cloud Foundry by virtue of dual-licensing under ASL so this should not be a distant possibility for other EE4J implementations. I am merely suggesting approaches of how we can bridge that gap for EE4J under the current circumstances.
Luckily, we can get Java EE conformant implementations under ASL license elsewhere but that is not what I am trying to suggest here.
When I saw the OCA agreement, I realized that there was an opportunity for having the code re-licensed under a permissive license which would allow us (i.e. everyone in the EE4J ecosystem) to target the cloud ecosystem for distribution. But I also realized, that this opportunity would be lost forever i.e. the OCA would cease to exist, once Oracle completed the transition. This assessment is based upon my observation that the Eclipse Committer or the Contributor agreements do not contain any equivalent clause that would enable the Eclipse Foundation to re-license the code under a different license at a later date without seeking initial contributor consent. So I believed, this is a one-time opportunity and also the best convenient time to explore this possibility.
I also came across couple of scenarios where license incompatibilities between EPL and ASL were being discussed in the EE4J community, albeit, internally. I saw another opportunity if we could resolve those issues while exploring this possibility of re-licensing the implementations under a permissive license such as ASL, provided the PMC or the relevant stakeholders are willing to discuss those issue openly here.
I hope you would have now realized that this is not just some generic debate on the merits of copyleft vs. permissive licensing models.
Also, please feel free to correct any of my earlier assumptions, observations or assessments.