I would like to trigger a discussion on the choice of EPLv2 as the license for EE4J "implementation" projects. The intent here is to analyze the impact of EPL licensing on the projects under the EE4J umbrella and the larger Java EE ecosystem in light of current challenges and propose solution options.
1) There are/would be separate repositories for projects involving Java EE specifications such as JAX-RS API (hereby referred as "specification projects") and their implementations such as Eclipse Jersey (hereby referred as "implementation projects")
2) Like most standardization best practices, there would be separate and independent governance framework (policies, processes, methods) for specifications and implementations.
3) I assume that it would be possible to re-license code under Apache License from the existing GPLv2+CE through the OCA [REF2] which may not be possible otherwise [REF3].
4) Re-licensing to a less restrictive license (such as ASL) would not have any negative impact on existing projects and their downstream derivatives.
5) Projects (such as Eclipse Jetty) that do not need to modify the EE4J implementation project source code are not addressed here as they can be or are already addressed through dual-licensing.
I understand that as of now, this assumed distinction between specification and implementation projects may not be universally applicable (looking at you JSON-P). Nevertheless, I shall take that assumed distinction forward as I believe that it would be necessary for the standardization of the future enterprise Java platform (at least till the Eclipse Foundation publishes their official governance framework around EE4J and the new Java EE).
I find it perfectly acceptable for the specification projects to use the EPL license as I believe, it has all the necessary clauses that would protect the brand, the interest of the Eclipse Foundation and its members/associates. But I would like to ask if EPL is the right license for the EE4J implementation projects? Do we really need all the copyleft clauses of EPL license in the implementation projects as well? At first look, it seems very convenient that everything under the EE4J umbrella should be consistently licensed under EPL just like almost all other projects in the larger Eclipse ecosystem. But some of the recent discussions here have forced me to challenge this convenience.
The copyleft clauses of EPL can have downstream impact on projects that uses a less restrictive license such as Apache License (ASL) and are not currently using EPL. In my opinion, this should be OK as long the downstream projects are using the EE4J project binaries as-is. This is fine as far as the API specifications go. But if the downstream projects need to "tweak" the implementation projects (without changing the API) to meet their specific requirements, there is currently no provision to do so other than to re-license their own projects under EPL. Dual-licensing does not seem a viable option in case of EPL as I DO NOT think that dual-licensing grants one the right to modify and re-license "initial contributions" under a different license without the explicit consent of "initial contributors". The option of forking implementation projects is also ruled out, as I believe, the copyleft clauses of EPL would be transitively applicable to the fork as well (i.e. they need to be released under EPL). The choice of ASL as Secondary license to EPL is also ruled out as EPLv2 does not allow any other license other than GPLv2 (or later) in its Secondary license clause. The only other other option is to take a greenfield approach for implementing the entire specification if someone wants even a slight variation to any of the existing EE4J implementation projects.
One workaround to this problem could be to have the desired modifications pushed to the respective upstream EE4J implementation projects and then incorporate their binary releases in the downstream ASL projects. For obvious reasons, this does not seem practical as the upstream EE4J implementation projects reserve the right to veto the changes (say, on grounds that they are specific to a particular scenario and do not have universal relevance).
I see this licensing issue as a potential recurring pattern with wider impact rather than a one-off case and propose couple of solution options that can address it:
Re-license the EE4J implementation projects under ASL (The specification projects can remain as-is under EPLv2). This option would address the problem at the source(i.e. upstream EE4J implementation projects) itself rather than mitigating it at the individual points of impact(downstream ASL projects). We may lose the copyleft clauses of EPL in the implementation projects. But, are those copyleft clauses worth the challenges we are facing and the convenience that we have to trade?
Allow ASL as the Secondary license for EPLv2. I believe, this is currently not possible under the terms of EPLv2 [REF4]. But, if allowed, then EITHER the EE4J implementation projects OR the downstream project itself can be re-licensed with EPLv2 with ASL as secondary license (replacing the current GPLv2 as there can be only one secondary license) without any further downstream licensing impact. Any one of these either-or scenario should suffice.
I believe, either options suggested above should be viable subject to assumption (3) and OCA availability. Doing so would facilitate and encourage the adoption of EE4J implementation projects not only within the Eclipse ecosystem but outside as well. It would be easier to work on acceptance and interoperability of the implementation projects (and their downstream derivatives) in communities which are otherwise very strict on the usage of less restrictive licenses such as ASL.
From a marketing perspective, I think it would be a very effective way to evangelize the new Java EE even in environments(such as cloud) which it does not natively support.
To further illustrate, if an ASL licensed Project X within the EE4J umbrella or larger Eclipse ecosystem wants to use Eclipse Jersey by modifying its code in order to make it suitable for use in a cloud/micro-service runtime then they need not have to re-implement the entire JAX-RS specification just to incorporate their minor enhancements in order to remain compliant with the entire JAX-RS specifications and still release under ASL. Dual-licensing or forks are not an option due to reasons stated earlier. However, If either Option A or Option B is implemented then it should be trivial for the downstream Project X to incorporate their specific needs as a simple fork while still maintaining JAX-RS compliance and without causing any downstream licensing impact.
If the EE4J committee has already reflected upon the prospect of using either of the proposed solution options for implementation projects I would like to know why those options were ruled out and if it would be possible to reconsider the decision in the current scenario.
Quick References:
https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/faq.php[REF2] Oracle's consolidated ownership of code as per