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Re: [eclipselink-users] DDL for column comment

There is not currently a feature like that. Your best option is to generate the DDL to a SQL script with our sql-script DDL generation and then add the comments manually to the script.


cinhtau wrote:
Dear EclipseLink users,

does EclipseLink or JPA 2.0 in general supports a way to fill or alter
comments of created data definitions?
DDL - creation works like a charm and it is highly flexible.
private int id;
 * zipcode of location
private String plz;

Is there an annotation, that I can use to setup corresponding comments of
fields like my Java Doc above the java field to create a DDL-statement like
that COMMENT ON COLUMN fi_banken.plz IS 'zipcode of location';?

It's not an important feature, just want to know if EclipseLink/JPA supports

Thanks in advance

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