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Re: [eclipselink-users] Inheritance. Exception "Missing class for indicator field value"
Odd, please include the exception stack trace, and the version of EclipseLink
you are using.
Make sure that all of the classes are in your jar file, and you don't have
any old jars on your classpath.
If you query directly for the subclasses, does it work?
Franc2010 wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to EclipseLink and I'm trying to implement inheritance. I'm using
> SINGLE-TABLE strategy. I have one abstract class "Persona" and three
> classes that extend from it: "Empleado", "Supervisor" and "Operario".
> These are types of employees. These 3 classes extend from "Persona" and
> don't have any difference so far in attributes or methods.
> The problem is an exception that raises whenever the application tries to
> query all the elements from the table. To do this, I use a named query
> defined in abstract class "Persona". The odd thing is this exception only
> raises when there is a type "Supervisor" or a type "Operario" persisted in
> the table. There is no problem if all the rows of the table have its type
> column (TIPO) set to "EMP". This type corresponds to Entity "Empleado" in
> the Object model.
> I'm just pretty confused. If someone could help me it would be very
> appreciated.
> Thank you!
> This is the file persistence.xml:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <persistence version="2.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
> xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence
> http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_2_0.xsd">
> <persistence-unit name="BioId_ClientPU"
> transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
> <provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider>
> <class>ar.com.ambest.BioID.modelo.Persona</class>
> <class>ar.com.ambest.BioID.modelo.Operario</class>
> <class>ar.com.ambest.BioID.modelo.Supervisor</class>
> <class>ar.com.ambest.BioID.modelo.Empleado</class>
> <properties>
> <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url"
> value="jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/bioid"/>
> <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="bio"/>
> <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver"
> value="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver"/>
> <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="bio"/>
> </properties>
> </persistence-unit>
> </persistence>
> The entity classes are the following:
> @Entity
> @Table(name = "PERSONA")
> @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
> @DiscriminatorColumn(name="TIPO",
> discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING, length=5)
> @NamedQuery(name = "Persona.buscarTodos", query = "SELECT p FROM Persona
> p")
> public abstract class Persona implements Serializable {
> protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
> @Id
> @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
> @Basic(optional = false)
> @Column(name = "ID")
> protected Integer id;
> @Column(name = "ID_SUP")
> protected Integer idSup;
> @Column(name = "NOMBRE_SUP")
> protected String nombreSup;
> @Column(name = "DNI")
> protected String dni;
> ...
> @Column(name = "TIPO")
> protected String tipo;
> public Persona() {
> }
> public Persona(Integer id) {
> this.id = id;
> }
> public Integer getId() {
> return id;
> }
> public void setId(Integer id) {
> this.id = id;
> }
> public Integer getIdSup() {
> return idSup;
> }
> public void setIdSup(Integer idSup) {
> this.idSup = idSup;
> }
> public String getNombreSup() {
> return nombreSup;
> }
> public void setNombreSup(String nombreSup) {
> this.nombreSup = nombreSup;
> }
> public String getDni() {
> return dni;
> }
> public void setDni(String dni) {
> this.dni = dni;
> }
> public String getTipo() {
> return tipo;
> }
> public void setTipo(String tipo) {
> this.tipo = tipo;
> }
> @Override
> public int hashCode() {
> int hash = 0;
> hash += (id != null ? id.hashCode() : 0);
> return hash;
> }
> @Override
> public boolean equals(Object object) {
> // TODO: Warning - this method won't work in the case the id
> fields are not set
> if (!(object instanceof Persona)) {
> return false;
> }
> Persona other = (Persona) object;
> if ((this.id == null && other.id != null) || (this.id != null &&
> !this.id.equals(other.id))) {
> return false;
> }
> return true;
> }
> @Override
> public String toString() {
> return "ar.com.ambest.BioID.modelo.Persona[dni=" + dni + "]";
> }
> }
> @Entity
> @DiscriminatorValue("OPR")
> @NamedQuery(name = "Operario.buscarTodos", query = "SELECT o FROM Operario
> o")
> public class Operario extends Persona implements Serializable {
> @Override
> public String toString() {
> return "ar.com.ambest.BioID.modelo.Operario[dni=" + dni + "]";
> }
> }
> @Entity
> @DiscriminatorValue("SUP")
> @NamedQuery(name = "Supervisor.buscarTodos", query = "SELECT s FROM
> Supervisor s")
> public class Supervisor extends Persona implements Serializable {
> @Override
> public String toString() {
> return "ar.com.ambest.BioID.modelo.Supervisor[dni=" + dni + "]";
> }
> }
> @Entity
> @DiscriminatorValue("EMP")
> @NamedQuery(name = "Empleado.buscarTodos", query = "SELECT e FROM Empleado
> e")
> public class Empleado extends Persona implements Serializable {
> @Override
> public String toString() {
> return "ar.com.ambest.BioID.modelo.Supervisor[dni=" + dni + "]";
> }
> }
http://wiki.eclipse.org/User:James.sutherland.oracle.com James Sutherland
EclipseLink , http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ias/toplink/
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View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Inheritance.-Exception-%22Missing-class-for-indicator-field-value%22-tp30180957p30181179.html
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