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Re: [eclipselink-dev] How can I import EclipseLink source code successfully from the GIT repository into Eclipse?

I just solved it. The problem was that I had defined two environment variables: M2_HOME and MAVEN_HOME , when I removed MAVEN_HOME it worked. MAVEN_HOME is the variable that was used with Maven 1.


De: eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] En nombre de gordon yorke
Enviado el: Thursday, November 07, 2013 9:34 AM
Para: eclipselink-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Asunto: Re: [eclipselink-dev] How can I import EclipseLink source code successfully from the GIT repository into Eclipse?


What version of Java are you using.  I just verified it is building fine with 1.7 u25

On 06/11/2013 7:42 PM, Alfredo Manuel Osorio Martinez wrote:

Thanks. I followed this guide:



But when I run the ant -f antbuild.xml I am getting this error:

org.eclipse.persistence.jpa ---

     [java] [INFO] Compiling 22 source files to C:\Users\amosomar\git\eclipselin


     [java] [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------


     [java] [INFO] Reactor Summary:

     [java] [INFO]

     [java] [INFO] EclipseLink Parent ................................ SUCCESS [


     [java] [INFO] EclipseLink Hermes Parser ......................... SUCCESS [


     [java] [INFO] EclipseLink Core .................................. SUCCESS [


     [java] [INFO] EclipseLink NoSQL Extension ....................... SUCCESS [


     [java] [INFO] EclipseLink JPA ................................... FAILURE [


     [java] [INFO] EclipseLink MOXy .................................. SKIPPED

     [java] [INFO] EclipseLink DBWS .................................. SKIPPED

     [java] [INFO] EclipseLink JPA-RS ................................ SKIPPED

     [java] [INFO] EclipseLink SDO ................................... SKIPPED

     [java] [INFO] EclipseLink DBWS Builder .......................... SKIPPED

     [java] [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------


     [java] [INFO] BUILD FAILURE

     [java] [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------


     [java] [INFO] Total time: 2:34.704s

     [java] [INFO] Finished at: Wed Nov 06 17:30:08 CST 2013

     [java] [INFO] Final Memory: 47M/136M

     [java] [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------


     [java] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-compiler-plug

in:0.18.0:compile (default-compile) on project org.eclipse.persistence.jpa: Comp

ilation failure: Compilation failure:

     [java] [ERROR] C:\Users\amosomar\git\eclipselink.runtime\jpa\



     [java] [ERROR] private Map<Class, EntityTypeImpl<?>> entities;

     [java] [ERROR] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

     [java] [ERROR] The type EntityTypeImpl is not generic; it cannot be paramet

erized with arguments <?>

     [java] [ERROR] C:\Users\amosomar\git\eclipselink.runtime\jpa\



     [java] [ERROR] private Map<Class, EmbeddableTypeImpl<?>> embeddables;

     [java] [ERROR] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

     [java] [ERROR] The type EmbeddableTypeImpl is not generic; it cannot be par

ameterized with arguments <?>

     [java] [ERROR] C:\Users\amosomar\git\eclipselink.runtime\jpa\



     [java] [ERROR] this(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getAbstractSession());

     [java] [ERROR] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

     [java] [ERROR] The method getAbstractSession() from the type JpaEntityManag

er refers to the missing type AbstractSession



Alfredo Osorio


De: eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] En nombre de Michael O'Brien
Enviado el: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 1:01 PM
Para: Dev mailing list for Eclipse Persistence Services
Asunto: Re: [eclipselink-dev] How can I import EclipseLink source code successfully from the GIT repository into Eclipse?



                Hi, if you go to the following wiki page there is a list of several procedures for getting the source of the EclipseLink API.  These links are primarily PDE related for Eclipse developers but should help with attaching the proper SVN revision based source so you can generate a diff/patch.

I would start with the following for example if you need the source for EclipseLink 2.3 running on



                Thank you




From: eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Alfredo Manuel Osorio Martinez
Sent: November 6, 2013 11:21 AM
To: Dev mailing list for Eclipse Persistence Services
Subject: Re: [eclipselink-dev] How can I import EclipseLink source code successfully from the GIT repository into Eclipse?


Out of curiosity, how do you develop if you don't use Eclipse? The thing is that I want to submit a patch to a bug so I am trying to set up the environment in Eclipse so I can test, debug and build the JAR.


De: eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipselink-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] En nombre de Eric Gwin
Enviado el: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 10:17 AM
Para: eclipselink-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Asunto: Re: [eclipselink-dev] How can I import EclipseLink source code successfully from the GIT repository into Eclipse?



I don't go into Eclipse often, but when I do I usually just use "File -> Import -> Existing Projects", perhaps it is "existing Eclipse Projects".



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