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Re: [eclipselink-dev] How can I import EclipseLink source code successfully from the GIT repository into Eclipse?


EclipseLink is not setup for use as a maven project. There are pom files that are used by the automated build (driven by ant) to generate Tycho bundles. However, the projects themselves should simply be imported to Eclipse.


are On 11/6/2013, 10:52 AM, Alfredo Manuel Osorio Martinez wrote:



So I checked out the code of EclipseLink from this repository:

After that I did: File -> Import -> Existing Maven Projects -> browse to C:\Users\amosomar\git\eclipselink.runtime\buildsystem\org.eclipse.persistence.parent and imported all the projects that showed up.

Then I get the following error:

An internal error occurred during: "Importing Maven projects". Path must include project and resource name: /org.eclipse.persistence.nosql


It also happens when I do: Right click on one of the projects -> Maven -> Update Project

An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project". Path must include project and resource name: /org.eclipse.persistence.core enter
              image description here

I have tried this with JBoss Devloper Studio 7.0.0 GA and Spring Tool Suite 3.3.0 RELEASE without success both have m2eclipse installed.

It seems to have something to do with the parent project "org.eclipse.persistence.parent" and the modules because if I remove for example from project "org.eclipse.persistence.core" pom the reference to the parent the problem goes away:



Original question in StackOverflow:



Alfredo Osorio

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