I am guessing but the difference between 18 and 60 min
duration could be due to one or more of the optimizations detailed on the
building wiki for SVN at....
thank you
MICHAEL.OBRIEN@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Some statistics for reference to help out. Transfer Rate looks to be around >> 50-90 Kb/sec << via the us proxy. - no noticable difference from the rate over the last 4 months (Ganymede 3.4 M5-RC1) and the 3 months before that 07/12->08/02 (Eclipse /1.5.3) I can't speak for subclipse - I stopped using it 9 months ago, I only use the TortoiseSVN 1.4.8 UI client and the subversion 1.4.6 command-line client outside of eclipse, without taking into account concurrent updates by other views.... Rates: The peak rate is around 50 files per second when creating a new view with small java files ~= 50 Kb/sec. The rate slows to around .1 files per second for zips of around .5 MB like the util/jaxb _ones_ == 50 Kb/sec Total duration for a full SVN checkout is 11:22 -> 11:40 == 18 min for 15609 files 99 Mb (reduced by deleting all generated .svn dirs from 201 Mb (32487 files)) ~= 92 Kb/sec The [us] proxy has only had a problem once in the past 60 days for myself and seems fine. thank you /michael I too am using the us proxy, but the highest I ever seen
it is ~ 14Kb/sec. A full SVN checkout of trunk is 1 hour.
-- Mike Norman
| Principal Software Designer | 613.288.4638 Oracle Server Technologies |
EclipseLink Product 45 O'Connor Street, Suite 400 | Ottawa, ON K1P 1A4 |
(fax) 613.238.2818