Answers inline
Doug Clarke wrote:
Additional questions:
With the DBWS functionality and tests not part of the initial contribution can you verify that this ANT extension is required by the test cases in the initial contribution?
No, it is not required.
What does this extension do? If we have testing infrastructure it should be used beyond the scope of a single developer and should be adaptable by other functional areas trying to solve similar issues. I would not want to see each functional area come up with its own testing silos and thus introduce a barrier to understanding and joining our project as a contributor or committer.
The capabilities of the extension were discussed at-length with the QA
guys; it is documented here
I would make the claim that with respect to barriers to understanding
and external contributors, our own
testing framework is far far worse than my little extension to a
well-known, widely-understood virtually
universal framework!
If in the end we do require this functionality and it aligns with our JUnit usage we should start capturing information about its existence and usage on the project's wiki.
Note: We plan to start discussing our wiki structure so that we can attempt to better organize at least our initial wiki usage.
Mike Norman | Principal Software Designer | 613.288.4638
Oracle Server Technologies | TopLink Product
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 400 | Ottawa, ON K1P 1A4 | (fax) 613.238.2818