When will an audit report be published? Will projects get a chance to fix issues (if any) before the GDPR deadline?
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From: eclipse.org-project-leadership-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipse.org-project-leadership-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Christopher Guindon
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2018 9:13 AM
To: Mailing list for all people involved in Eclipse project management <eclipse.org-project-leadership@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [eclipse.org-project-leadership] General Data ProtectionRegulation(GDPR) at Eclipse Foundation
Projects can also test changes to their website with our Eclipse Foundation PHP Docker images:
which PHP version we should choose or how we can select it on our website?
The PHP version of
www.eclipse.org is 5.5. I would recommend you test your code with chrisguindon/webdev:php5.5
I created these images to mimic our current environment but we are not using them for production.
The web development process for the Eclipse Foundation Webdev team is the following:
1. We use our PHP Docker images for local development
3. Changes are committed after the code is reviewed and approved in Gerrit.
On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 10:38 AM, Dawid Pakuła <zulus@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
which PHP version we should choose or how we can select it on our website?
Quick update regarding "Approved Eclipse Logos". Projects are not required to use Eclipse Foundation logos in their footer but if they chose to do so, they must
be from our Artwork page: https://eclipse.org/artwork/
Is there a tempate or instructions for Project Leads to apply the Quicksilver theme already?
It's possible to test your changes with our staging server (https://staging.eclipse.org)
by pushing your commits to a branch named "staging".
Will you also check whether the Quicksilver theme is used and report it?
Eclipse projects are not required to use the Quicksilver theme. I believe it will be easier for projects using Quicksilver to be compliant with the GDPR since we will do what we can in the theme layer to validate consent.
If you are using additional 3rd party services, you will need to make sure to identify who has access to the data and you must make sure that consent was given by the user before those services can be enabled regardless if you are using
an Eclipse Foundation theme or not.
eclipse.org-project-leadership mailing list
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eclipse.org-project-leadership mailing list
IMPORTANT: Membership in this list is generated by processes internal to the Eclipse Foundation. To be permanently removed from this list, you must contact
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Christopher Guindon
Lead Web Developer
Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @chrisguindon