In February's Committer Office Hours, scheduled for
February 8 2024 at 1330h UTC (that's 1430h CET, 0830h EST), our topic will be
IPLab. IPLab is what we call the combination of the GitLab repository that we've set up for committers to use to engage in intellectual property due diligence review and the automated processes that support the IP due diligence process. In this session, we'll focus on
manual creation of reviews, which is often required when the review of
project content is required (the
Eclipse Dash License Tool automates most of the heavy lifting for
third party content).
February 8 2024 at 1330h UTC
We'll capture a recording of this session and include it along with the recordings of past sessions on the EMO's
Project Calendar page (note that there are links on this page to import our calendar).
In last year’s committer survey, you expressed your need for
marketing support to help reach your communities with the project information they need to be successful with your projects. The Eclipse Foundation’s Marketing and Communications Team needs your help to determine the best channels and forms of communication to reach out to your audiences. To achieve this, they kindly ask that you complete their 5-minute
Content Preferences survey.
See you on Thursday!
-- Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation
My working day may not be your working day! Please don’t feel obliged to read or reply to this e-mail outside of your normal working hours.