Greetings Committers
Our discussion topic for this month's office
hours will be progress reviews.
Progress reviews are a fundamental bit
of governance that Eclipse open source project teams engage in
periodically (generally annually). By engaging in a progress review, an
open source project team can push out official releases for a full year. For long-time Eclipse Committers... progress reviews are fundamentally the same as release reviews (the primary difference being that release reviews tend to be aligned with a specific release). Note that specification projects are required to engage in release reviews for every release.
The EMO doesn't tend to think of reviews as pass/fail events. Rather, these reviews are an opportunity for the EMO and PMC to make sure that Eclipse project teams understand their responsibilities under the Eclipse Foundation Development Process and the Eclipse IP Due Diligence Process, and are generally engaging in vendor neutral open, transparent, and meritocratic practices to attract contribution and participation.
Our June 2023 office hours will be held on Thursday, June 8 at 1330h GMT (0930 EDT).
While I have your attention...
The Eclipse Foundation's Head of Security, Mikaël Barbero, along with our new Security Team have been working on a lot of different initiatives related to security and vulnerability tracking and mitigation. This work is taking a number of different forms, from providing support for responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities via the
CVE programme, to working with projects to generate SBOMs (and much more).
Mikael's blog to keep up-to-date on the work that he and his team are engaged in. (aggregated on Representatives from the Security Team will be present during our office hours to answer your questions.