That’s a very good Point.
And while some Sound like they know what they’re doing, others like JFrog/Bintray/JCenter seem to make up their mind and even try to compete with most of These at the same time.
Jenkins and Cloudbees also started to restrict free use of ist Cloud instances to a Point where it was unbearable, especially to more mature Projects that do not see a Code Change and push or build every 10 or 14 days when those Projects became stalled and the CI instance would go away.
As a side note, if I'm not mistaken, the 2000min/mo limitation only applies to private repos, the problem here is the concurrency limit which does apply to every repository (public or private).
However, free resources for Open Source projects are generally generous in the beginning and then get restrictions at some point. See the following examples from the past few months only:
Given the trend, I would think twice before going all in with some similar attractive offering for a business critical project. IMHO ;)
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