I want to kindly ask for permission to integrate the API changes of
Bug 490226 and 489382.
The ISideEffect class was created for Eclipse 4.6 M4 by Stefan Xenos.
Later on I created some sample snippets showing the usage of
ISideEffects, which unfortunately needed to contain lots of
boilerplate code. So during the EclipseCon NA Stefan and I discussed
plans to make this new API easier to use for clients and therefore
created "Bug 489382 - [Databinding] Provide a composite ISideEffect".
It would be good if the new API could be used easier by clients with
the CompositeSideEffects contained in this bug. This will make this
API also faster. Stefan and I also plan to make use of these class in
platform ui code to increase the performance of the IDE. (See "Bug
489808 - [Databinding] Provide an ISideEffectFactory for
MParts" and "Bug 490149 - [Databinding] Proposal for more efficient change
processing in databinding")
Also before the release we would like to move the new API to the
org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.sideeffect package.
Furthermore customers want to make use of the new ISideEffects, but
only in case the composite ISideEffect classes would be available as
In my opinion it would be a shame having a great new ISideEffect API
for the Neon release, which is not easy to use due to missing
composite ISideEffects.
Please approve.
Best regards,
Simon Scholz
Trainer, Consultant and Developer
vogella GmbH
Haindaalwisch 17a, 22395 Hamburg
Amtsgericht Hamburg: HRB 127058
Geschäftsführer: Lars Vogel, Jennifer Nerlich de Vogel
USt-IdNr.: DE284122352
Tel (040) 78804360, Fax (032) 221739404, Email: simon.scholz@xxxxxxxxxxx, Web: http://www.vogella.com