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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] Avoiding Bloat

Hi e4 list,

I hope it's ok to jump in here...

From former experiences with building tools on top of the Platform I know another important source for bloat (if it has not been mentioned before).

A good example is the CVS support which implements very cool functionality. Unfortunately, IIRC, it has two major disadvantages for programmatic users:

[1] It's mostly internal, i.e. it has no API for important core functionality like checkout, create tag, ... [2] The separation of reusable core functionality from UI stuff is not very nice.

For me that always led to duplicating a lot of code and introducing unnecessary UI dependencies. I'd really wish that in e4 more attention would be paid to providing useful functionality through convenient APIs that are UI independent as much as the functionality allows for.


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