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[ecf-dev] ECF 2.0.0 Final Daze

Hi ECFers,

ECF 2.0.0/Ganymede comes out this week (Wed...yay!)...and there are some final things:

1) The final builds of ECF 2.0.0 and ECF Extras (at OSUOSL) have already been done, and are ready to go tomorrow (Tues am) as per the Ganymede Final Daze doc:

2) **Please** do not make *any* changes to the Release_2_0 branch for the remainder of this week. After this week, we can/will begin work on a maintenance release (2.0.1), but please wait until next week for code changes there. Changes to HEAD may be made (for 2.1), but please keep them limited in scope just to avoid confusion.

3) I've updated the ECF Extras web page at for the 2.0 release. Please review for any errors and report them...thanks.

4) I've been making and will continue to make changes and additions to the wiki documentation. If any of you are able to participate in this over the next few days any help would be most appreciated. Please coordinate via this mailing list (just announce your intention to make changes/additions in a certain area, etc).

5) I will be updating the New and Noteworthy, the download page, and the ECF main page today and tomorrow (Mon and Tues). **If anyone has any other things they think should be in the new and noteworthy, that haven't been in the N&N over the past 12 months, please say so and send me the appropriate HTML and I will add it.**

6) Mustafa and I are giving a presentation on shared editing and ECF tomorrow (Tues) at the Googleplex:

I say this so that people are aware that I (Scott) will be completely occupied with the talk and the Ganymede Final Daze on Tuesday, and so will be almost completely unavailable. 7) No ECF conference call this week. I will need a break. I've scheduled the next one for Thurs, July 3 at 11:00am pacific/1800 UTC.

I would like to try to get the committers better re-engaged at that point, as attendance has been low recently.

8) Things are looking great for the release. I think it's going to be a very good one for ECF. Congratulations to all involved! Great work by the committers, contributors, and the entire community! Let's keep moving it along, shall we?


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