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Re: [dtp-dev] SQL Parser Extension Home

> that seem like a cyclic dependency; i imagine DBDefinition and
> Modelbase to be on top of the dependency chain followed by
> Connectivity, SQL Tools (incl. parser).

I agree with the hierarchy.  However, access to the dbdefinition is gated
by a DatabaseDefinition object which lives within connectivity.  Other
extensions are already accessed through the DatabaseDefinition object and
DatabaseDefinitionRegistry (e.g. DDLGenerator, DebuggerDefinition, the
WTP/RDB legacy DDLParser, etc.).

I don't have an opinion as to where this lives, but do think it would be
convenient if there were a single source for getting access to vendor
specific functionality.

The main reason this was brought up was because connectivity had a
ddlParser extension and it was unclear how this fit in with the SQL parser
work that Brian and co. have been working on.


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