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[dsdp-pmc] RE: DSDP-TM 3.0 About Files in dstore server / agent packages

Hi Sharon,
thanks for your message. I don't quite understand where you find the
requirement of an Executable printing some license note on startup --
I cannot find this in the Guide To Legal Docs. Anyway, my interpretation
of this is as follows:

1.) Each dstore server downloadable archive (e.g. rseserver-3.0rc3-linux.tar)
    must include the following files in its root folder:
    - notice.html
    - epl-v10.html
2.) Each JAR file in the dstore server "should" contain the standard about.html
    Though I don't think this is required since all dstore JAR archives are in the
    same folder, and all of them are under the same epl-v10.html terms.
3.) When launching the dstore daemon or server, it should print something
    like what we have in the Source file Copyright Headers, e.g.:
    DStore Server (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
    All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
    are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
    which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Does this sound appropriate? - Given that with the Eclipse Runtime Project
and DSDP, an increasing amount of Software like daemons, agents or other
runtime components is shipped by which is *not* organized in
a normal Eclipse product installation, it might make sense to update the
"Guide to Legal Docs" to include these special cases.
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

From: Sharon Corbett [mailto:sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 9:55 PM
To: Oberhuber, Martin
Cc: 'Barb Cochrane'
Subject: RE: DSDP-TM 3.0 About Files for Review

Hi Martin:

For the purposes of the Ganymede release, we are reviewing About Files (which include the licensing information and links) as well as IP Logs only.  You do not need to provide any other required notices at this time.


I’ve taken a look at Item #2 below and am attaching a link to the Eclipse Guide to Legal Documentation which will help you in ensuring the material available from Eclipse and/or any of our mirrored sites contain the correct license information, etc.   At a minimum, we would expect a user to be presented with a license and about file when opening an Executable.  Further we would also expect the same notices to be available in any nested jar file(s) contained within an Executable.

Thank you for identifying the TCF Incubating component is not being included as part of Ganymede.  We would not expect to see the About Files for it since it is not shipping.


We acknowledge that you have included some of the About Files that originate from reuse of Orbit bundles.

We will be back in touch should be have any other questions as we review the About Files.



From: Oberhuber, Martin [mailto:Martin.Oberhuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:24 PM
To: Janet Campbell; Anne Jacko
Subject: DSDP-TM 3.0 About Files for Review


Hello Janet & Legal Team,


attached are the DSDP-TM 3.0 (Ganymede) About Files for Review.

I was unsure about 3 questions:

  1. Do you also need the feature's license.html / texts?
  2. Our offering includes a Server software which is plain Java and not running under Eclipse.
    The downloadable server archives are named rseserver*.(tar,zip)
    These archives do not currently include any about.html.
    Do we need to add it? What would be the proper place in the archive for adding it?
    FYI, one example download is from
    In our previous (RSE 2.0) release we also had these server downloads already, and they were released without an about.html.
  3. our TCF component, which is currently in incubation, does not currently show up on the "Downloads" page, so we do not consider it part of Ganymede. Should we still send in the about files for it? (They are not included in the current archive).

Note that attached archvie also contains some (few) Orbit abouts, which I believe have been submitted separately by Jeff McAffer.


I'll send in our frozen IP Log as soon as 2 remaining issues with inconsistency between
the manually maintained tm-log.csv and the bugzilla "contributed" keyword are resolved.




Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River

Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member



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