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RE: [dsdp-pmc] Re: Trip report: Eclipse Council Meetings

Hi Michael,

here are answers from the TM project:

> - are we or will we use features of jdk1.5?

We aren't using jdk1.5 features and it currently looks like we're
not going to. The only 1.5 advantage I see is the
 - Ability to use Generics
Since most of the base we depend on (Eclipse Platform) doesn't use
Generics, I don't see a need to switch. So we're going to follow
the Platform -- or do you see any other advantages of Java1.5??

> - are all DSDP projects currently using the eclipse common build?
>   - if not, what prevents us from using it?
>   - what would we need in addition?

I guess by "Eclipse Common Build" you mean the
package. Yes we are currently using it.

The main problems we had with it, was the lack of a "complete" use
case for applying it. By "complete", I mean an example that includes
*ALL* the steps for uploading build notes, starting the nightly
build, sending success/failure E-Mails etc... I'd really like to
see *all* the scripts that the Platform Releng team (or other teams)
have developed around the PDE build. But it looks like at least
some of them are currently somewhat "hidden". Or could you tell
me where I find the driver scripts that start the nightly, milestone
or integration builds for the Platform?

Or documentation from the releng team how they've set up their 

> - are we using any 3rd parry libraries (like apache logging)?

We are using Jsch which is part of the Platform.

We want to bring in Jakarta Commons/Net as soon as EMO Review
is completed. This would then perhaps be a candidate for the
3rd party project. Currently we plan to host this as part of
our project.

Martin Oberhuber - WindRiver, Austria

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:dsdp-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Scharf, Michael
> Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 9:15 PM
> To: dsdp-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [dsdp-pmc] Re: Trip report: Eclipse Council Meetings
> Hi PMC,
> Here's a summary of the architecture council meeting.
> - JVM version (1.4 versus 1.5)
>   - platform will continue to compile against 1.4
>   - 1.5 runtime environment is (already) supported
>   - projects are free to decide to use 1.5
>   - wiki page with recommendations and pitfalls of migration to 1.5
>     of will be created
> - Discussions about running eclipse on multi-core processors
>   - eclipse is not optimized to run on multi-core
> - Common build infrastructure
>   - Why do projects use their own incarnation of build? (needs to be
> answered)
>   - People should use common build (but not required to use it)
>   - Each project should gather information on
>      - problems (pain)
>      - things that have been solved (pride)
>      - wish list for the eclipse common build
> - Common 3rd party plugins
>   - a new tools project will be created to host 3rd party plugins
>     (like apache tomcat, antlr etc)
>   - legal approval required to use on of the 3rd part projects!
> ===> Questions for DSDP <===
> Michael
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