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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Projects that have not (AFAICT) declared participation in Oxygen
As a first step, I have disabled the Thym project in the SimRel
aggregation build.
On 21.01.2017 02:48, Gorkem Ercan wrote:
> Hi Wayne,
> We can drop Thym from the release train. We will
> continue to make regular releases from marketplace.
> Thanks,
> --
> Gorkem
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 10:42 AM, Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> FWIW...
> I've sent direct messages to the project leads for LDT and Thym to
> ask for their intentions regarding Oxygen.
> I am assuming that the combined Eclipse EMF
> Query/Transaction/Validation and Eclipse GMF Runtime/Notation are
> participating and will update the participation list just as soon as
> the dust settles on the project restructurings involved. I expect
> that the restructuring operations will not have any immediate impact
> on the build (all the technical artifacts will remain in their
> current locations).
> All of the above-listed projects are still included in the
> aggregation build.
> If I do not hear from LDT or Thym by M5, I'll assume that they've
> backed out ask Fred to remove them from the build.
> Let me know if you have any concerns.
> Thanks,
> Wayne
> On 19/12/16 04:49 PM, Wayne Beaton wrote:
>> Thanks, Sven. I've added Eclipse Xpand 2.2 to the Oxygen release list.
>> While I have everybody's attention...
>> *Eclipse Riena, Eclipse Gyrex, and Eclipse GMF Tooling have
>> decided to drop out of the simultaneous release.* There is an
>> ongoing discussion regarding *Eclipse Andmore*'s potential
>> participation in the project mailing list. Voice your concerns if
>> you have any.
>> I still haven't heard from *Eclipse **Thym or Eclipse LDT.*
>> At this point, I expect that Eclipse EMF Query, Transaction, and
>> Validation will participate as a new "*Eclipse EMF Services*"
>> project [1] and *Eclipse GMF Notation will merge* into Eclipse GMF
>> Runtime [2]. Raise your concerns on the tracking bug reports.
>> Wayne
>> [1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=509487
>> <https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=509487>
>> [2] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=509485
>> <https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=509485>
>> On 15/12/16 08:56 AM, Sven Efftinge wrote:
>>> Hi Wayne,
>>> Xpand is in maintenance mode, but I understood that it needs to
>>> be included if other projects have a dependency on it.
>>> In that case, I assume it is a viable option to just include last
>>> year's release again.
>>> Is that correct?
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Sven
>>> 2016-12-14 21:07 GMT+01:00 Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>> <mailto:wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx>>:
>>> According to my records, the following projects have not yet
>>> declared their intent to participate in our Oxygen
>>> Simultaneous Release. *The deadline to state your intention
>>> to participate is this Friday, December 16/2016.*
>>> If your project is listed below, please take immediate steps
>>> to declare your intent to participate. The process is
>>> described in the Planning Council's documentation [1] and in
>>> the Eclipse Committer Handbook [2]. If you really are
>>> planning to drop out of the simultaneous release, please also
>>> let us know.
>>> * Xpand
>>> * Thym
>>> * Maven Integration for Web Tools Platform
>>> * Lua Development Tools (LDT)
>>> * Subversive - SVN Team Provider
>>> * Eclipse Paho
>>> * Andmore - Eclipse Android Tooling
>>> * Accessibility Tools Framework
>>> * Java Workflow Tooling
>>> * Eclipse Gyrex Project
>>> * ATL - A Model Transformation Technology
>>> * Data Tools Platform
>>> * Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) Tooling
>>> * Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) Notation
>>> * Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) Runtime
>>> * EMF Transaction
>>> * EMF Validation
>>> * EMF Query
>>> If a project that you depend on is on this list, please make
>>> that concern known as well. I know that we have some staffing
>>> challenges on a handful of these, so it will be valuable to
>>> know who cares about something that is missing.
>>> Note that I did add EMF Validation and Query to the list
>>> based on the description in the release records. AFAICT, the
>>> project teams have not formally declared.
>>> I've updated the dates on the wiki page [3]
>>> * December 16/2016 - Opt-in deadline
>>> * February 17/2017 - CQ Submission deadline (specify that
>>> the CQ is required for Oxygen)
>>> * May 24/2017 - IP Log submission deadline
>>> * May 31/2017 - Review materials due
>>> * June 7/2017 - First round of release reviews (aim for
>>> this date if you can)
>>> * June 21/2017 - Second (final?) round of release reviews
>>> * June 28/2017 - Eclipse Oxygen GA
>>> Please pay special attention to the CQ deadline to give the
>>> IP Team a fighting chance of getting all the required CQs
>>> processed. If you know that you're going to be coming in late
>>> with some third-party dependencies, please contact
>>> <mailto:emo-ip-team@xxxxxxxxxxx>emo-ip-team@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>> <mailto:emo-ip-team@xxxxxxxxxxx> to let them know.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Wayne
>>> [1]
>>> https://wiki.eclipse.org/SimRel/Simultaneous_Release_Requirements#State_intent_early_.28M4.29
>>> <https://wiki.eclipse.org/SimRel/Simultaneous_Release_Requirements#State_intent_early_.28M4.29>
>>> [2]
>>> https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#pmi-joining-a-simultaneous-release
>>> <https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#pmi-joining-a-simultaneous-release>
>>> [3] https://wiki.eclipse.org/Category:Oxygen
>>> <https://wiki.eclipse.org/Category:Oxygen>
>>> --
>>> Wayne Beaton
>>> @waynebeaton
>>> The Eclipse Foundation
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>>> --
>>> Sven Efftinge
>>> TypeFox GmbH
>>> Am Germaniahafen 1
>>> 24143 Kiel
>>> Sitz: Kiel, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Kiel, HRB 17385
>>> Managing Directors: Sven Efftinge, Moritz Eysholdt, Dr. Jan Köhnlein
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>> --
>> Wayne Beaton
>> @waynebeaton
>> The Eclipse Foundation
> --
> Wayne Beaton
> @waynebeaton
> The Eclipse Foundation
> Eclipse Converge <https://www.eclipseconverge.org/na2017/>
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