Hi All,
Here's a quick update on what happened yesterday. We upgraded the
Drupal Bootstrap base theme[1] to the latest release for all of our
sites. This went well for all of our sites except
The projects.eclipse.org website is using a custom module called
fel[2] that overrides the default bootstrap HTML of a fieldset. This
module is responsible for breaking the collapsible fieldset
functionality of Bootstrap.
Yesterday, we reverted to a previous version of the Bootstrap theme
to allow our users to use the site and this morning I pushed out a
fix that removes the conflict with the bootstrap theme and the fel
[1] https://www.drupal.org/project/bootstrap
[2] https://www.drupal.org/project/fel
On 2015-12-17 10:38 AM, Bob Brodt
Thanks Mathias. It looks like our web wizards have
fixed the problem :)
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Christopher Guindon
Lead Web Developer
Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @chrisguindon