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Re: [config-dev] Resume Jakarta Config meeting today

Hello everyone.

Unfortunately, I cannot participate because right now I have an essential business meeting at the same time.

Could you start this discussion today?

I would like to see Jakarta Config as a "glue" of configuration as we see CDI as a glue of Jakarta EE components.
We need to have access to objects more complex to create connections, this Map is useful. 
We can start applying it on both specs around the persistence layer: NoSQL and Data.

On Thu, Sep 8, 2022 at 9:42 AM Emily Jiang <emijiang6@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear all,
I hope you have had a great summer break and managed to take some time off to recharge yourself. As agreed previously, we will resume the Config meeting from today. Hope to see you at the call today!


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Otávio Santana

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