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[config-dev] Today's config meeting summary

Dear all,
In the recent discussion, some of you expressed an interest in receiving a quick update on what we are discussing on the weekly calls. As promised on the mailing list, below is the quick summary of today's meeting:

  • Tree structure vote concluded with +1 on tree structure. The next step is for Tomas to address the comments on this PR and hope to have this PR merged as soon as possible.

  • During today's meeting, we have agreed to focus on use cases first and use this project board to collect use cases.
    • Follow the Use case example on the first column to create use cases on the 2nd column "New"
    • Write every use case you want and do not need to worry about duplication. We will triage the use cases in the new year during the weekly meetings.
  • The next 2 weeks' meetings are canceled. The next meeting will be on 6th Jan. In the interim, all of us will put use cases in the project.
Have a great Christmas and New Year! Thank you for your participation on this project!


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