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[che-dev] Fixing sidecar memory settings

Hi folks,

this is just to let you know that the languages team going to do a pass over the language-related plugins and stacks to fix both the default sidecar memory sizes for plugins as well as the devfiles existing in the registry.

The desired outcome is that

1. You can turn on a plugin on any workspace and the plugin sidecar will start
2. When creating plugin from a devfile in the registry, the sidecars will be sized to allow the examples associated with that "stack" to be used.

However, we cannot guarantee correct memory settings for all cases (i.e. huge projects being imported). There are two common failure cases associated with this:

1. The container runs out of memory
This is visible in the containers logs. If we deem this information to be insufficient, we should implement some general mechanism that brings container-related errors to the user's attention and provide affordances to correct the problem
2. Something inside the container runs out of memory.
This would be the case where, for example, the java language server (started by the vscode-java extension) has a OOM exception. Unfortunately, detection of such conditions is under the control of the VS Code extension that is providing the language support. Neither Theia nor any Che code is involved, so we can't really fix this ourselves and for all cases.

That said, my team is working on a "language plugins troubleshooting guide" that will point to the relevant settings and log files.


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