> The formatting settings should be optionally enforced to be checked in. Basically if you work as a team on the same code you should not have to worry about the formatter changing the code all the time.
I strongly agree with this statement!
> And -as I stated before- generated unique numbers and version control just don't mix nice.
I really wish someone could explain this design rationale, I suspect the details and importance of it have been lost in history now.
On Fri, 21 Aug 2020 at 07:57, Jan Baeyens <jan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Wrongly send to Jonah only, now to the list. :-(
Op 21/08/2020 om 2:32 schreef Jonah
On Thu, 20 Aug 2020 at
17:02, Liviu Ionescu <ilg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Everything that is specific to the project (in other words
the same for all users) should be considered project
configuration and be stored in .cproject, and everything
else that is specific for each user should be considered
user preferences and be stored locally in .settings.
It is perfectly possible to add new sections in .cproject
for this, but unfortunately many projects store this as
Just for completeness - do you consider the formatter and
codan setting to be stored in the wrong place in current
Eclipse design? I strongly think they should be checked in
as part of the project, but they are currently in .settings.
I have worked a couple of years as a "development shop
architect". This kind of questions were my daily bread and butter.
So here are my initial 2 cent
I'd say the file type (cp1252,utf 6, ...) should be "one way or
another" controlled by eclipse in case of version control.
Formatting and version control is a really painfull combination.
The formatting settings should be optionally enforced to be
checked in. Basically if you work as a team on the same code you
should not have to worry about the formatter changing the code all
the time. On the other hand, when you import some code from some
repository you likely want to stick to your formatting.
The only good way I see to implement something like this is that
you would have a "stored format" and a "gui format". Given the
complexity of reformatting and all the trouble I have seen with
the current formatter I do not expect to see something working
like this in my lifetime.
Workarounds for these are checking in exported settings or
installing via oomph.
I don't know enough about codan to make a strong statement. My
first thought: I would think not.
As to .settings.
I'm always reluctant to check in .XXX stuff. I never considered
checking in .settings. I suppose I'm not the only one.
On top of that I suppose that if you do not use project specific
formatting settings there will not be any formatting settings
And -as I stated before- generated unique numbers and version
control just don't mix nice. For instance I see 2 ID's in my