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Re: [cdt-dev] CDT project view: How to programatically update the directories shown below 'Includes'?

On 21 November 2017 at 20:25, Martin Weber <fifteenknots505@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Am Dienstag, 21. November 2017, 19:35:33 CET schrieb Jonah Graham:
> Hi Martin,
> Here is the standard Includes virtual folder in both the (deprecated) C/C++
> Projects and Project Explorer view:
> [image: Inline images 1]
> Is this what you are referring to? Does the Project Explorer update

Yes, I am referring to that. Glad to see it in the Project Explorer, too!
Do you maintain that code and advise?

I can try to advise, but I don't think anyone actively maintains that code at the moment.

> properly for you? Can you share a bit more of your code?

The folder updates only if I open the 'Preprocessor Include Paths...' page in
the project Properties dialog and click 'apply'.
My ILanguageSettingsProvider also implements ICBuildOutputParser to get a
chance to detect settings entries when a user changed one of his
CMakeLists.txt files. It parses a file written and updated by cmake, but no
build logs.

The BuildOutputParser fires a
PropertyChangeEvent(project,PreferenceConstants.PREF_SHOW_CU_CHILDREN, null,
null) event to inform the indexer if it finds include paths or macros. This
seems to trigger re-indexing. (Tell me, If you think that it is of no use).

The code is not hosted on, it`s a plugin I maintain outside of
eclipse on github. Please PM me for details if interested, this is the CDT
mailing list; so no more advertising my plugin here.
It will probably be fastest/most effective for me just to have a look at your code to resolve.


Cd wrttn wtht vwls s mch trsr.

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