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Re: [cdt-dev] CDT needs more user feedback =;-)

As a rule, we should be designing our work so that they can be moved to 
background processing available in Eclipse 3.0.  The cancel/info aspect 
would be handled by that. Even the outline view could benefit from this 
type of refactoring (we've had problems loading files > 2 MB in the editor 
due to it). 

One thing to point out though ... I haven't seen the new 
performance/scalability numbers that the platform uses to test their work 
in 3.0 (and I cannot find the old numbers, the project group cleaned up 
their webpage :)) but I do believe the example you had last brought up 
yesterday was beyond the numbers (which I believe was < 27000 resources). 
While I think that we should address the high-runner culprits in the 2.0 
timeframe, I would hope that we manage expectations appropriately. 


p.s. it's day 2 here in Anaheim and the Disney music in the hotel is 
driving me insane.  I cahllenge anyone to try get some work done in the 
hotel internet cafe with Bibbity Bobbity Boo playing in the background ... 

cdt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 02/03/2004 06:15:41 AM:

> Folks,
>   Just a general comment to developers that we need to keep in mind
> the "cost" in time of operations and functionality which we provide.
> We should certainly take care to consider what might be a fast operation
> for a small project with tens of files, how that would scale to a larger
> project with thousands or tens of thousands of files.  In these cases
> the user needs to be informed about what is happenening and hopefully 
> provide a way to cancel the operation if it is not taking a reasonable
> amount of time.
> I'll likely have a patch or two looking at a couple of specific 
> scenarios that I've run across for consideration to the core folks.
> Thanks,
>  Thomas
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