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Re: [cdt-dev] commit list

>>>>> "Sebastien" == Sebastien Marineau <sebastien@xxxxxxx> writes:

Sebastien> Tom, can you first email the scripts so we can figure out
Sebastien> how to hook it into the cvs server? I don't want to create
Sebastien> the mailing list until we're sure we can hook into the
Sebastien> current eclipse infrastructure.

No problem.

I've attached two files, commit_prep and log_accum.  Both are perl

In CVSROOT you would run commit_prep from commitinfo, for instance:

DEFAULT		/usr/sourceware/bin/commit_prep -T cdt -r

Then from loginfo you would run log_accum:

DEFAULT (/usr/sourceware/bin/log_accum -D -T cdt -m cdt-patch@xxxxxxxxxxx -s %{sVv})

The above examples put the scripts in /usr/sourceware/bin; this comes
from  However, another common approach would be to
put these files directly into CVSROOT and add them to the
`checkoutlist' file (and adjust the invocation path accordingly).
That makes it easy to fix problems in the scripts; we run a
configuration like this on an internal CVS server here.

You could also tweak the log_accum invocation to generate cvsweb URLs
in the commit message.  You just need the appropriate -C and -U

For sources, we also use the script's feature of appending a commit
message to a Gnats PR.  If the commit message matches certain text, we
interpret that as the PR number, and automatically forward the commit
message there.  This makes a nice linkage between bug reports and cvs
commits (including a pointer in the bug report directly to the
patches, via cvsweb).  Probably this could be modified to work with
bugzilla, but I don't know how.

There are other commit message generation scripts out there.  The
appended ones are hacked versions of scripts that come with cvs.

If you want I could send you a CVSROOT patch to implement everything.
Of course, you'd have to do the testing.


Attachment: log_accum
Description: log_accum

Attachment: commit_prep
Description: commit_prep

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