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Re: [cbi-dev] Setting a meeting time

Hi Everyone,

Tuesday January 10th at 10am EST
has emerged as the preferred time for everyone thus far. I think we have quorom based on who can attend. I'm going to send a calendar invitation to those that added themselves to the Doodle poll:
    Paul Webster, Markus Knauer, Kim Moir, Igor Fedorenko, Andrew Ross

If you'd like to attend, please either add yourself to the Doodle poll, or contact me directly.

For this first meeting, these are some of the areas I anticipate we'll talk about. Please feel free to suggest other items or update any of these:
  • Those that tried the build, compare notes
  • Packaging and branding
  • Testing
  • Pushing & pulling to/from: Orbit/
  • Revisit: Are we building everything we need to be for platform?
  • How we should handle platform-specific builds like SWT
  • Revisit: Do we expect we need map files for the platform build once it's all in git?
  • LTS program and a LTS ready definition for projects
  • Set a time for the next meeting (same time/day 2 weeks?)
And tentative for the next meeting:
  • Status update
  • Anything we didn't get to in the first meeting
  • Review an inventory of projects that are LTS ready or not


On 01/05/2012 10:25 AM, Andrew Ross wrote:
Hi Everyone,

We've got enough stuff working, being worked on, and left to figure out that a conference call every couple of weeks makes sense. I'd like to use doodle to help figure out a good time.

If you're interested in participating in CBI meetings, please click on the following link to add your name and the days/times that work for you. If you would, pretend this would reoccur every 2 weeks. I believe you can add new times beyond the ones I added.



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