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Re: [aspectj-users] java.lang.VerifyError: stack shape inconsistent

Thanks Andy.  That's hopefully it.  We are in fact using an IBM J9 VM.

Things were all fine with this project in the past though... but I think it was running with AspectJ RT 1.5.3.  I think it may have been the introduction of aspectjrt 1.5.4 that caused this problem to surface.  Does this make sense to you that this could / would happen?  If so, I would consider rolling back the aspectjrt upgrade, in order to resolve this issue in the shorter term, as there are other more pressing issues on my plate.


On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 1:32 PM, Andy Clement <andrew.clement@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Are you by any chance running on the IBM J9 VM?  If so, are you on the
latest?  For example, see
which describes how after weaving a system with ITCAM (this happens to
use AspectJ inside) you then cause the VM to throw a stack shape
inconsistent problem and the fix is to upgrade the VM.

I don't believe 'stack shape inconsistent' is due to a mismatch in
weaver/compiler versions used.  We have no open bugs on that error.
The only similar verify issues I have seen are relating to incorrect
stack height - and they are usually because CGLIB generated code is
being woven.

If it isn't a VM issue, then feel free to raise a bug and we can
investigate further.


2008/4/29 Bryan Jones <bjones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I'm receiving a 'VerifyError,' which I understand is typically a sign of 'a
> bug' but I wanted to float this out there first, before reporting anything.
> The error I'm receiving at runtime is:
> ..."Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is
> java.lang.VerifyError: stack shape inconsistent (class: [hidden] method:
> [hidden]_aroundBody0(L[hidden];LAbstract[hidden];Ljava/lang/String;)V) at
> pc: 2"
> I have seen this sort of error at run time when there are aspectjrt and / or
> weaver version related issues.  I.e. compiled against a different version of
> aspectj then running against.  I may be remembering incorrectly on this, but
> I believe those issues were cause by using a version of
> "aspectj-maven-plugin" compiling and weaving using one version of aspectj,
> while running the application using a different (seemingly incompatible
> version) of aspectj.  The conflict in the past was really specific to server
> runtime and eclipse AJDT - i.e. deployed app and AJDT were using different
> and incompatible AspectJ versions.  This can get quite painful... but those
> problems have been worked out in the past.
> Now we're getting similar issues, but even outside of Eclipse / AJDT...
> rather, now the issue is manifesting itself in a Maven build.  I've taken
> care to ensure that a single version of AspectJ is ever used - so the same
> version is compiled with using "aspectj-maven-plugin" and ran against via
> the appropriate POM dependency.  Prior to doing this, I was receiving
> warnings in the maven build as follows: "[WARNING] bad version number found
> in C:\dev\.m2\repository\aspectj\aspectjrt\1.5.3\aspectjrt-1.5.3.jar
> expected 1.5.4 found 1.5.3".  So, after cleaning things up, this warning
> went away, and I was REALLY hoping that would have solved the issue.  No
> such luck!
> Has anyone ever seen this error before - specifically the "stack shape
> inconsistent" portion?  I think this is the key part of the error message,
> but I could be wrong.  Another related detail here that _could_ be of
> importance is the error is actually happening on a class that is in another
> internal 'commons' jar - which is NOT compiled with AspectJ (standard
> compiler).  Could this be causing the issue somehow?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> --
> Bryan Jones
> cell: 571.344.0698
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Bryan Jones
cell: 571.344.0698

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