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Re: [adoptium-pmc] Adding committers to Eclipse Temurin Compliance.

Hi all,

Happy new year!

I'm not sure we go to a resolution on this one - would be good for more folks to chime in I think.


On Thu, 2 Dec 2021 at 10:06, Martijn Verburg <martijnverburg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Wayne,

Thanks for raising these great questions!  I'll add my thoughts inline below.

On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 at 18:32, Wayne Beaton <wayne.beaton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Greetings PMC.

I'd like your help to figure out the right approach for adding committers to the Temurin Compliance project. Normally, a developer establishes merit with a project before being nominated and elected to the committer role. But on Temurin Compliance, everything is private so there is no way to establish merit in any direct way.

My strong preference is that we stick to the normal way as much as possible and use the election process to add committers to this project. To be frank, we're a small team and every exception that we make to the usual processes adds up. But more than that, while this project is basically closed, I'd really like the project to operate in as much of an "open and transparent" manner as possible.

Agreed on the election, this is the one group to be super careful with.
Is it the case that we should reasonably expect to be able to make some sort of statement of merit for committers that get added? That is, will it generally be the case that the people who get elected to the Temurin Compliance project will be recognised as experts in their field or that there will be contributions to a different Adoptium project or public discussion that a committer can use as a citation of merit?

Yes, I think this is reasonable.  So in my proposed case for Stephanie it would be something like:

Stephanie Crater is a software engineer working in Martijn's Java Engineering Group at Microsoft.  She is our lead for the Alpine backport from Java 17 to Java 11 and Java 8 (for Eclipse Temruin and upstream at OpenJDK).  In order to prove/complete her work we're requesting access to the Temurin Compliance group so she can run and debug TCK tests and ensure those ports are compatible.
Can it be reasonably expected that new committers to the Eclipse Temurin project are known to the existing committers? That is, can we reasonably expect that committers will actually cast an affirmative vote?

Yes this is very reasonable.  They need to be part of a company that's signed the 3-way agreement as well.
Or is it the case that we need the ability to have the PMC just appoint individuals who are unknown to the other project committers and be done with it?

That the project does not have a "dev" list is stopping us from using the regular election infrastructure. We opted to not create a dev list for the project to avoid a case where a committer mistakenly uses that list to discuss matters that cannot be discussed in a public forum. I'm thinking that a workaround is to create a mailing list with a name that makes it as obvious as possible that it is intended only for matters of governance, e.g., temurin-compliance-public-governance@xxxxxxxxxxx or similar. Does that make sense?

I think it does and perhaps messages could be moderated so that an Eclipse member reviews before releasing?



Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects | Eclipse Foundation

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