Eliminate equations

This CIF to CIF transformation eliminates equations for algebraic variables and derivatives of continuous variables. Note that it does not eliminate the variables themselves.

See also: Eliminate algebraic variables.

Supported specifications

This transformation supports a subset of CIF specifications. The following restrictions apply:

  • Component definitions and component instantiations are not supported.

  • Automaton self references are not supported.


No preprocessing is currently performed by this CIF to CIF transformation. To increase the subset of specifications that can be transformed, apply the following CIF to CIF transformations (in the given order):

Implementation details

For algebraic variables with a single equation in a component or automaton, the value of the variable (the right hand side of the equation) is moved to the declaration of the algebraic variable. For algebraic variables with equations specified in the locations of an automaton, an 'if' expression is created. This 'if' expression uses the locations of the automaton as guards, and the right hand sides of the equations as values for each of the alternatives. The last alternative is an 'else', and thus has no guard. The single right hand side, or the 'if' expression, is put directly in the declaration of the algebraic variable. If the automaton has only one location, generation of the 'if' expression is suppressed.

The derivatives of continuous variables are transformed in a similar way. The derivative ends up in the declaration of the continuous variable.

All equations are removed from components (including automata) and locations.

For instance, the following specification:

alg bool b1 = true;
cont x;
equation x' = 1.0;

automaton p:
  alg int a;
  location l1:
    equation a = 1;
  location l2:
    equation a = 2;

is transformed to the following specification:

alg bool b1 = true;
cont x der 1.0;

automaton p:
  alg int a = if l1: 1
              else   2
  location l1;
  location l2;



Size considerations

The right hand sides of the equations are simply moved. This does not influence the size of the specification. For equations specified in the locations of an automaton, an 'if' expression is created. This increases the size of the specification. The increase however, is linear in the number of equations.


This transformation introduces 'if' expressions for algebraic variables and derivatives of continuous variables that have an equation per location of an automaton, for automata with at least two locations. The guards of such 'if' expressions refer to the locations of the automata. To eliminate such location references, apply the Eliminate the use of locations in expressions CIF to CIF transformation.