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PMC Minutes December 12, 2006

Attending    Late     Regrets   Missing 
John Duimovich Wayne Beaton
Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Ward Cunningham
Cliff Schmidt

Discussed our individual and collective prioritized lists for the EclipseCon long talks. Our resulting list is as follows (our candidate selections are above the line):

3721 Dynamic Languages Toolkit Everyone was positive about this talk, even though the project is very new to Eclipse. Some concern about the speakers' abilities.
3855 Task-focused programming with Mylar Everyone was positive about this talk.
3758 EOS - Eclipse on Swing Interesting technology, sure to generate audience interest and discussion. Some concern that it wasn't an Eclipse project, but nothing in the rules said that it has to be.
3699 Unifying Eclipse Collaboration with Corona Interesting project with working code, interesting ideas.
3690 Prototyping, Automating, Exploring - Interactively Scripting Eclipse Scripting continues to be a hot topic among users and thus among EclipseCon attendees. Must make sure that this is not an introductory talk because EclipseCon attendees prefer fast-paced cutting-edge material - they already know the basics.
3777 Parallel Tools Platform: Now and Future Good project, solving hard problems, and very relevant - everyone is going to be coding with 128-way desktops in just a few years.

3833 RAP Interesting technology, but not sure that it would be quite the audience draw that the talks above the line would be.
3744 CompositeTable - Visual tabular data for SWT UIs Again, interesting technology, but we were not able to convince ourselves that one widget is worth an hour of talking. Or that it would attract much an audience to that hour.
3778 Eclipse Open Healthcare Framework Embracing the Server Side OHF is solving hard problems around data security and inter-operability, but we felt that a talk about a framework about health care just wasn't going to attract a large audience.
3852 Build & Release Management using Buckminster Similarly, build and configuration management is an essential technology - nobody can do modern software development without it - but we couldn't imagine a significantly-sized audience wanting to hear about it for an hour.
3769 The Eclipse Communication Framework: Let's Talk ECF is interesting but again it's a plumbing framework and unlikely to attract the kind of attendee/audience that the six top choices will. We also considered that ECF does not have compelling new features for this year that would attract an audience. 
...others... We read and scanned the remaining papers and will do so again this next week.

ACTION ITEM: [All] Re-read the other long talk proposals to see if there are any that should bump one of these.

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