
A package connecting and managing sensor style devices. Connecting sensors to the cloud and processing data with a digital twin platform.

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Preparing the environment

The following examples will use information which depends on your environment. All of this information is listed in this section and will be set as environment variables so that all commands can easily make use of those variables. Note that you will need to set the environment variables in every command shell separately.

Download the setCloud2EdgeEnv script and use it to set environment variables for the Cloud2Edge package’s service endpoints.

curl \
chmod u+x

# file path that the Hono example truststore will be written to
DEVICE_REGISTRY_URL=https://$(oc get -n $NS route ${RELEASE}-service-device-registry-https --template='{{}}')
HTTP_ADAPTER_URL=$(oc get -n $NS route ${RELEASE}-adapter-http-sec --template='{{}}')

Accessing the Ditto Explorer User Interface

The browser based Ditto Explorer UI shows Ditto things, policies and connections. On Kubernetes, the above-mentioned setCloud2EdgeEnv script provides environment variables to access and configure it. The command


prints out the URL where to access the Ditto UI and Ditto API documentation.

In the Ditto UI, click on the Environments link at the top and then the Environment JSON tab. Clicking on “Edit” lets you enter an arbitrary Name (e.g. default) and below a JSON value, to be taken from the output of the following command.


Clicking on Create and switching to the created environment in the top bar Environment dropdown completes the configuration.

Publishing telemetry data

The Cloud2Edge package comes with a pre-provisioned example device that we will use to publish some telemetry data via Hono’s HTTP protocol adapter. The data will automatically be forwarded to Ditto where the device’s twin representation will be updated with the data published by the device.

The demo device’s digital twin supports a temperature property which will be set to 45 by means of the following command:

curl -i -k -u demo-device@org.eclipse.packages.c2e:demo-secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{
  "topic": "org.eclipse.packages.c2e/demo-device/things/twin/commands/modify",
  "headers": {},
  "path": "/features/temperature/properties/value",
  "value": 45
}' ${HTTP_ADAPTER_BASE_URL:?}/telemetry

Retrieving the digital twin’s current state

The updated state of the digital twin can then be retrieved using:

curl -u ditto:ditto -w '\n' ${DITTO_API_BASE_URL:?}/api/2/things/org.eclipse.packages.c2e:demo-device

Alternatively you can also use the following command to subscribe to Ditto’s stream of thing update events:

curl --http2 -u ditto:ditto -H 'Accept:text/event-stream' -N ${DITTO_API_BASE_URL:?}/api/2/things

Sending a command to the device via its digital twin

Ditto digital twin may also be used to send a command down to the device connected at Hono using.

curl -i -X POST -u ditto:ditto -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -w '\n' --data '{
  "water-amount": "3liters"
}' ${DITTO_API_BASE_URL:?}/api/2/things/org.eclipse.packages.c2e:demo-device/inbox/messages/start-watering?timeout=0

Specifying the timeout=0 parameter indicates that the HTTP request will directly be accepted and Ditto does not wait for a response.

If Ditto shall wait for a response, responding with the response from the device at the HTTP level, simply increase the timeout to the amount of seconds to wait:

curl -i -X POST -u ditto:ditto -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -w '\n' --data '{
  "water-amount": "3liters"
}' ${DITTO_API_BASE_URL:?}/api/2/things/org.eclipse.packages.c2e:demo-device/inbox/messages/start-watering?timeout=60

Receiving a command at the device


With the mosquitto_sub command, an MQTT subscription on the command///req/# MQTT topic can be created, simulating an MQTT device connecting to the Hono MQTT adapter and subscribing for command messages. The following command can be used to create the subscription:

mosquitto_sub -v -h ${MQTT_ADAPTER_IP} -p ${MQTT_ADAPTER_PORT_MQTTS} -u demo-device@org.eclipse.packages.c2e -P demo-secret ${MOSQUITTO_OPTIONS} -t command///req/#

With this, commands will be received for as long as mosquitto_sub is kept running.


For the device to receive a command via the HTTP adapter, the device may send a telemetry message with the hono-ttd header. The header value specifies the number of seconds to wait for a command. If no telemetry data shall be sent along with the request, the application/vnd.eclipse-hono-empty-notification header can be used:

curl -i -X POST -k -u demo-device@org.eclipse.packages.c2e:demo-secret -H 'hono-ttd: 50' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.eclipse-hono-empty-notification' ${HTTP_ADAPTER_BASE_URL:?}/telemetry

Note that in contrast to the MQTT example above with its long-running connection, sending the HTTP telemetry request message with the hono-ttd header will only return at most one command message in the HTTP response. If no command message got sent during the waiting period specified via the hono-ttd header, an empty response is returned.

An example response for the device containing the command sent via the Ditto twin (see previous step for sending the command) is:

Example of a received command at the device
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
hono-command: start-watering
hono-cmd-req-id: 024d84b1ceb-797b-45f5-bc87-78e9b5396645replies
content-type: application/json
content-length: 516


Responding to a command at the device

In order to answer to a command, the device can send its answer in Ditto Protocol back to Hono via HTTP.

The response has to be correlated twice:

  • once for Hono in the URL: please replace the placeholder insert-hono-cmd-req-id-here with the hono-cmd-req-id HTTP header value from the received command.
  • once for Ditto in the Ditto Protocol payload: please replace the placeholder insert-ditto-correlation-id-header-here with the "correlation-id" value from the received Ditto Protocol message’s "headers" object.
curl -i -k -X PUT -u demo-device@org.eclipse.packages.c2e:demo-secret -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary '{
  "topic": "org.eclipse.packages.c2e/demo-device/things/live/messages/start-watering",
  "headers": {
    "content-type": "application/json",
    "correlation-id": "insert-ditto-correlation-id-header-here"
  "path": "/inbox/messages/start-watering",
  "value": {
    "starting-watering": true
  "status": 200
}' ${HTTP_ADAPTER_BASE_URL:?}/command/res/org.eclipse.packages.c2e/org.eclipse.packages.c2e:demo-device/insert-hono-cmd-req-id-here?hono-cmd-status=200

An example message response (omitting some additional HTTP headers) at the Ditto twin which waited for the command e.g. with a timeout=60 is:

Example of a twin message response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 26
correlation-id: 715cb667-7750-4451-969e-6f8c735129ef


Working with devices

The next sections will create a new tenant in Hono, register a device for it and create a digital twin for it in Ditto.

In order to link Hono devices to Ditto digital twins (a.k.a. things), it is assumed that Hono device and Ditto thing always have the same id, starting with a namespace (e.g. in reverse domain notation), followed by a colon and a name, e.g.: org.acme:my-device.

Create a new tenant

Create a new tenant named my-tenant in Hono:

curl -i -k -X POST ${REGISTRY_BASE_URL:?}/v1/tenants/my-tenant

This should return a result of 201 Created.

Example of a successful result
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
etag: be547a07-4a03-4c43-a274-d02f63f8d467
location: /v1/tenants/my-tenant
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-length: 18


Register a new device

Next we can register a new device, named org.acme:my-device-1 for the tenant we just created:

curl -i -k -X POST ${REGISTRY_BASE_URL:?}/v1/devices/my-tenant/org.acme:my-device-1

This should return a result of 201 Created.

Example of a successful result
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
etag: d48f4e13-b398-4c73-bbc3-5ac97a81b3e8
location: /v1/devices/my-tenant/org.acme:my-device-1
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-length: 29


Set device credentials

The device created has no credentials assigned. So it will not be possible for this device to directly connect to the platform. This is ok for devices attached via a gateway device, but we want this device to be able to connect, so the next step is to assign a username/password combination:

curl -i -k -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '[
  "type": "hashed-password",
  "auth-id": "my-auth-id-1",
  "secrets": [{
    "pwd-plain": "my-password"
}]' ${REGISTRY_BASE_URL:?}/v1/credentials/my-tenant/org.acme:my-device-1

Example of a successful result
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
etag: a7edc4b8-701a-4fe1-85c4-1717c0d24562

Understanding identities

The previous step assigned the credentials of my-auth-id-1 and my-password to the device org.acme:my-device-1.

Please note that there is a difference between the username of the device (my-auth-id-1) and the name of the device (org.acme:my-device-1). When connecting to e.g. the MQTT protocol adapter, you will need to use the fully qualified username of my-auth-id-1@my-tenant (authentication id and tenant name), rather than just the device id (org.acme:my-device-1).

The authentication id is only used for the authentication process. Later on, the messages will be marked with the device id and the back end system isn’t aware of the authentication id anymore.

Of course you may use the same value for the authentication id and the device id. In this tutorial however, we use distinct values to show the difference.

Create a new connection from Ditto to Hono

In order to create digital twins in Ditto for a newly added Hono tenant, a new connection has to be created.

The NS and RELEASE variables must still be set to the values you chose during the installation. The documented defaults are:


Please also configure your chosen Hono tenant name when your created a new tenant and extract the Ditto devops password via kubectl:

DITTO_DEVOPS_PWD=$(kubectl --namespace ${NS} get secret ${RELEASE}-ditto-gateway-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.devops-password}" | base64 --decode)

Now, the connection can be created. By default, a Kafka based connection is to be used. If the cloud2edge chart has been deployed with the AMQP messaging profile, a connection of type amqp-10 needs to be created.

The deployed Kafka instance uses a self-signed certificate. To let the Ditto connection perform certificate validation, the certificate can be obtained and converted into the format expected by the Ditto API call with the following command:

KAFKA_CERT=$(kubectl --namespace ${NS} get secret ${RELEASE}-kafka-example-keys -o jsonpath="{.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 --decode | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/E-----/E-----\\n/g' | sed 's/-----END/\\n-----END/g')

Then, create the connection:

curl -i -X PUT -u devops:${DITTO_DEVOPS_PWD} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
  "name": "[Hono/Kafka] '"${HONO_TENANT}"'",
  "connectionType": "kafka",
  "connectionStatus": "open",
  "uri": "ssl://ditto-c2e:verysecret@'"${RELEASE}"'-kafka:9092",
  "ca": "'"${KAFKA_CERT}"'",
  "failoverEnabled": true,
  "sources": [
      "addresses": [
      "consumerCount": 1,
      "authorizationContext": [
      "qos": 0,
      "enforcement": {
        "input": "{{ header:device_id }}",
        "filters": [
          "{{ entity:id }}"
      "headerMapping": {},
      "payloadMapping": [],
      "replyTarget": {
        "enabled": true,
        "address": "hono.command.'"${HONO_TENANT}"'/{{ thing:id }}",
        "headerMapping": {
          "device_id": "{{ thing:id }}",
          "subject": "{{ header:subject | fn:default(topic:action-subject) | fn:default(topic:criterion) }}-response",
          "correlation-id": "{{ header:correlation-id }}"
        "expectedResponseTypes": [
      "acknowledgementRequests": {
        "includes": [],
        "filter": "fn:delete()"
      "declaredAcks": []
      "addresses": [
      "consumerCount": 1,
      "authorizationContext": [
      "qos": 1,
      "enforcement": {
        "input": "{{ header:device_id }}",
        "filters": [
          "{{ entity:id }}"
      "headerMapping": {},
      "payloadMapping": [],
      "replyTarget": {
        "enabled": true,
        "address": "hono.command.'"${HONO_TENANT}"'/{{ thing:id }}",
        "headerMapping": {
          "device_id": "{{ thing:id }}",
          "subject": "{{ header:subject | fn:default(topic:action-subject) | fn:default(topic:criterion) }}-response",
          "correlation-id": "{{ header:correlation-id }}"
        "expectedResponseTypes": [
      "acknowledgementRequests": {
        "includes": []
      "declaredAcks": []
      "addresses": [
      "consumerCount": 1,
      "authorizationContext": [
      "qos": 0,
      "enforcement": {
        "input": "{{ header:device_id }}",
        "filters": [
          "{{ entity:id }}"
      "headerMapping": {
        "correlation-id": "{{ header:correlation-id }}",
        "status": "{{ header:status }}"
      "payloadMapping": [],
      "replyTarget": {
        "enabled": false,
        "expectedResponseTypes": [
      "acknowledgementRequests": {
        "includes": [],
        "filter": "fn:delete()"
      "declaredAcks": []
  "targets": [
      "address": "hono.command.'"${HONO_TENANT}"'/{{ thing:id }}",
      "authorizationContext": [
      "headerMapping": {
        "device_id": "{{ thing:id }}",
        "subject": "{{ header:subject | fn:default(topic:action-subject) }}",
        "correlation-id": "{{ header:correlation-id }}",
        "response-required": "{{ header:response-required }}"
      "topics": [
      "address": "hono.command.'"${HONO_TENANT}"'/{{thing:id}}",
      "authorizationContext": [
      "topics": [
      "headerMapping": {
        "device_id": "{{ thing:id }}",
        "subject": "{{ header:subject | fn:default(topic:action-subject) }}",
        "correlation-id": "{{ header:correlation-id }}"
  "specificConfig": {
    "saslMechanism": "plain",
    "bootstrapServers": "'"${RELEASE}"'-kafka:9092",
    "groupId": "'"${HONO_TENANT}"'_{{ connection:id }}"
  "clientCount": 1,
  "failoverEnabled": true,
  "validateCertificates": true
}' ${DITTO_API_BASE_URL:?}/api/2/connections/hono-kafka-connection-for-${HONO_TENANT//./_}
curl -i -X PUT -u devops:${DITTO_DEVOPS_PWD} -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
  "name": "[Hono/AMQP1.0] '"${HONO_TENANT}"'",
  "connectionType": "amqp-10",
  "connectionStatus": "open",
  "uri": "amqp://consumer%40HONO:verysecret@'"${RELEASE}"'-hono-dispatch-router-ext:15672",
  "failoverEnabled": true,
  "sources": [
      "addresses": [
      "authorizationContext": [
      "enforcement": {
        "input": "{{ header:device_id }}",
        "filters": [
          "{{ entity:id }}"
      "headerMapping": {
        "hono-device-id": "{{ header:device_id }}",
        "content-type": "{{ header:content-type }}"
      "replyTarget": {
        "enabled": true,
        "address": "{{ header:reply-to }}",
        "headerMapping": {
          "to": "command/'"${HONO_TENANT}"'/{{ header:hono-device-id }}",
          "subject": "{{ header:subject | fn:default(topic:action-subject) | fn:default(topic:criterion) }}-response",
          "correlation-id": "{{ header:correlation-id }}",
          "content-type": "{{ header:content-type | fn:default('"'"'application/vnd.eclipse.ditto+json'"'"') }}"
        "expectedResponseTypes": [
      "acknowledgementRequests": {
        "includes": [],
        "filter": "fn:filter(header:qos,'"'"'ne'"'"','"'"'0'"'"')"
      "addresses": [
      "authorizationContext": [
      "headerMapping": {
        "content-type": "{{ header:content-type }}",
        "correlation-id": "{{ header:correlation-id }}",
        "status": "{{ header:status }}"
      "replyTarget": {
        "enabled": false,
        "expectedResponseTypes": [
  "targets": [
      "address": "command/'"${HONO_TENANT}"'",
      "authorizationContext": [
      "topics": [
      "headerMapping": {
        "to": "command/'"${HONO_TENANT}"'/{{ thing:id }}",
        "subject": "{{ header:subject | fn:default(topic:action-subject) }}",
        "content-type": "{{ header:content-type | fn:default('"'"'application/vnd.eclipse.ditto+json'"'"') }}",
        "correlation-id": "{{ header:correlation-id }}",
        "reply-to": "{{ fn:default('"'"'command_response/'"${HONO_TENANT}"'/replies'"'"') | fn:filter(header:response-required,'"'"'ne'"'"','"'"'false'"'"') }}"
      "address": "command/'"${HONO_TENANT}"'",
      "authorizationContext": [
      "topics": [
      "headerMapping": {
        "to": "command/'"${HONO_TENANT}"'/{{ thing:id }}",
        "subject": "{{ header:subject | fn:default(topic:action-subject) }}",
        "content-type": "{{ header:content-type | fn:default('"'"'application/vnd.eclipse.ditto+json'"'"') }}",
        "correlation-id": "{{ header:correlation-id }}"
}' ${DITTO_API_BASE_URL:?}/api/2/connections/hono-amqp-connection-for-${HONO_TENANT//./_}

Create the digital twin

In the previous steps a device was registered in Hono, now we want to create a digital twin for this device in Ditto.

Setup a common policy

In order to define common authorization information for all digital twins about to be created in Ditto, we first create a policy with the id org.acme:my-policy:

curl -i -X PUT -u ditto:ditto -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
  "entries": {
    "DEFAULT": {
      "subjects": {
        "{{ request:subjectId }}": {
           "type": "Ditto user authenticated via nginx"
      "resources": {
        "thing:/": {
          "grant": ["READ", "WRITE"],
          "revoke": []
        "policy:/": {
          "grant": ["READ", "WRITE"],
          "revoke": []
        "message:/": {
          "grant": ["READ", "WRITE"],
          "revoke": []
    "HONO": {
      "subjects": {
        "pre-authenticated:hono-connection-'"${HONO_TENANT}"'": {
          "type": "Connection to Eclipse Hono"
      "resources": {
        "thing:/": {
          "grant": ["READ", "WRITE"],
          "revoke": []
        "message:/": {
          "grant": ["READ", "WRITE"],
          "revoke": []
}' ${DITTO_API_BASE_URL:?}/api/2/policies/org.acme:my-policy

This should return a result of 201 Created containing as response body of the created policy JSON.

The created policy may be used for just one digital twin or for many of them. Modifying it will adjust the authorization configuration of all twins referencing this policy id.

Create the twin

In order to create a digital twin in Ditto, we use the same device id already used for creating the device at Hono as thing id: org.acme:my-device-1.
Furthermore, we add a reference to the in the previous step created policy id in order to define the authorization information of the twin:

curl -i -X PUT -u ditto:ditto -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
  "policyId": "org.acme:my-policy",
  "attributes": {
    "location": "Germany"
  "features": {
    "temperature": {
      "properties": {
        "value": null
    "humidity": {
      "properties": {
        "value": null
}' ${DITTO_API_BASE_URL:?}/api/2/things/org.acme:my-device-1

This should return a result of 201 Created containing as response body of the created thing JSON.

In order to add more twins, we simply create additional devices via “Register a new device” and add twins for them with the above snippet by simply adjusting the device id and thing id in the URL of both HTTP requests.

Publish telemetry data

To send a telemetry message via Hono’s HTTP protocol adapter and thereby update the device’s twin representation, the following command can be used:

curl -i -k -u my-auth-id-1@my-tenant:my-password -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{
  "topic": "org.acme/my-device-1/things/twin/commands/modify",
  "headers": {},
  "path": "/features/temperature/properties/value",
  "value": 45
}' ${HTTP_ADAPTER_BASE_URL:?}/telemetry

Next Steps

Updating the firmware
