Questions and answers

You have questions? We might have some answers!



What packages can use?

Packages must be self-contained, and not require any additional external service in order to run.

It should be possible to simply start up a local cluster in Minikube and deploy it right away. At the same time it should be possible to run them on any other Kubernetes based solution, in the real cloud.

What is required to create a new package?

We have a full page dedicated to this question: Contribute.

Who is involved in this project?

Take a look at the Who’s Involved page of the project.

Why are you using insecure settings?

Every now and then, you might spot a --insecure (or equivalent settings) in the commands.

It is unfortunate, but sometimes it is necessary. With the availability of Let’s Encrypt, it would actually be rather simple to add proper TLS certificates. But when you are running a local minikube instance, you can’t properly use certificates. Also does the process of getting a proper Let’s Encrypt certificate still need a significant effort and understanding, on the user side, especially when requesting a wildcard certificate.

You are encouraged to try with a proper certificate though, and drop the --insecure for commands.

My question isn't answered here!

Your chance to contribute! Raise the question on GitHub, and we will take a look.