Celebrate Eclipse's 5th Birthday
Community Bulletin

Eclipse is turning 5! It was November 7, 2001 when IBM first released Eclipse as an open source project. To celebrate, a number of activities are being organized for the Eclipse community.
Birthday Card
An electronic birthday card has been setup to allow individuals in the the Eclipse community to show their support for Eclipse. Everyone in the Eclipse community is encouraged to sign the Eclipse birthday card.
Individuals signing the card before December 1, 2006 will qualify for a random draw to win one of 20 Eclipse sweaters.
Product Hall of Fame
Over the last five years, the Eclipse community has built hundreds, if not thousands, of Eclipse based products. Therefore, an Eclipse Product Wall of Fame has been setup to showcase these products. Organizations and individuals that have created Eclipse based products and plug-ins are invited to add their solution to the Product Wall of Fame.
Eclipse Birthday Parties
There are over 25 local Eclipse birthday parties organized in cities around the world to celebrate this event. Locations, dates, and RSVP links can be found here.Please RSVP if you are planning to attend a party. The parties are informal gatherings of Eclipse members, committers, users and general enthusiasts, so please invite your colleagues and customers to join you.