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Re: [wakaama-dev] Socket addrinfo

Hi Rajesh,


It looks like you have an IPv4/IPv6 conflict. You can try running the example client with the “-4” command line argument.



David Navarro


From: wakaama-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wakaama-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of RAJESH KUMAR S.R
Sent: Monday, 25 April, 2016 19:01
To: wakaama-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [wakaama-dev] Socket addrinfo



I have a small doubt regarding socket addrinfo

I am running wakaama client.

When new connection is created, in connection_create function, getaddrinfo is returning  p->ai_addrlen with length=8.

In recvfrom function, addrLen is populated as 16 which is taken as sizeof(sockaddr_storage)

When a packet is received, before calling lwm2m_handle_packet, it checks for connection match,
So, In connection_find function, check is failing (connP->addrLen == addrLen).
Can you please help me figure out, where I am going wrong.

Rajesh kumar S R

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