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Re: [udig-dev] google-collection 0.8 --> guava

Those SNAPSHOT dependencies were via a GeoScript SNAPSHOT. When Justin has deployed a GeoScript M0 for us we will have something solid to depend on, and the problem will go away.

See email "dependency … moving target?" 

Jody Garnett

On Wednesday, 14 August 2013 at 4:38 PM, Frank Gasdorf wrote:

Fine, going to update guave dependency resolution from orbit theses days.

Right now I just committed a fix for the libs bundle (gt-geojson, gt-imagepyramid-plugin and gt-gtopo30 to GeoTools 9.0 Milestone Release 0). See

Hope there was no intention to let these gt-libs on SNAPSHOT whereas all others are 9.0-M0. 

However, I was wondering about gt-transformation, this modul was listed in libs bundle but is not available anymore after maven dependency resolution (transitive). I assume its not required anymore and therefor I deleted the entries (Manifest &

- Frank

2013/8/13 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>
Just had a look at like to ask 
* Does geoscript, geotools or jgrass make use of it? It seems it is a direct dependency from udig to guave (my read of pom-libs.xml instead of google-collection).
That is correct, we use it in a couple classes.  GeoTools has considered migrating from apache commons collection to guava, but currently the only code that uses this is uDig (and GeoWebCache). 
I thought there was a discussion going on on geotools mailing-list about replacing dependencies of google-collection with guave. I'm wrong? what was the result?
It was a discussion about replacing apache commons collection with Guava. Gabriel proved it was possible, and then got busy and we never heard from him again. 

* Is it required to have 14.0.1 (instead of 12.0.0 like provided as bundle from ORBIT Any show-stoppers in version 12.0.0
I just chose the latest version, as I noticed it has been reviewed in IPZilla. I kind of assumed it was in Orbit, but if it is not there feel free to downgrade. 
If you could answer both questions  with NO, lets update our environment the same way we did with MigLayout, lets use oribit bundle from CQ 6787
Sure! We will have to update the CQ I created, Sharon can turn it into a request to use an Orbit dependency.


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