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Re: [udig-devel] Beginning uDig plugin development; need some help...


Welcome! You are on the right trac to follow the SDK Quickstart Guide instructions ( 

The JRE's described in the mentioned document containing additional libraries to work with GDAL image formats. Since I've no idea what your thesis is about I recommend to follow the steps. For the core platform you need only java advanced imaging (JAI) and JAI Image IO installed into a standard JRE/JDK.

So its not required to download the JRE's from udig  but its kind of suggestion if you would like to work with supported image formates from gdal.

Hope it helps. Feel free to ask and report any issue setting up the IDE. 

Have fun,

2013/3/27 Çağıl Şeker <cagils@xxxxxxxxx>
Hello all,

I am new to uDig and I plan to develop a plugin for uDig for my thesis project (migrating from QGIS development to uDig).

I am trying to follow SDK Quickstart but I want to make sure the info is up to date first. I have an existing Eclipse environment for other developments and I want to use it and the existing JRE/JDK for this project if it is possible.

So what are the necessary tools to install/configure on my existing Eclipse platform to begin development of uDig plugins?

The mentioned PDF talks about the SDK, Eclipse modeling tools, a 'dropins' download, a special JRE (with gdal, ecw), a RCP delta pack... It seems these information is a little bit outdated. Can you list some basic steps to get a working environment without installing a special JRE or a new Eclipse platform, if it is at all possible?

Thank you very much,

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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