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Re: [udig-devel] wms BoundingBox question

Hi Tore,

I think there is a bug in here. It should try to convert the latlong bbox to the CRS declared by the layer. Obviously it is failing to do so and just falling back on an incorrect guess.


On 9-Dec-08, at 1:59 PM, Tore Halset wrote:


In BasicWMSRenderer2.getLayersBoundingBox(), layer.getEnvelope(crs) returns a GeneralEnvelope with [-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0] as ordinates and EPSG:3301 as the crs. [-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0] is from the LatLonBoundingBox and should not be used with a non-deegree crs like EPSG:3301.

Doing the same thing with one of the CRSs that works (like ED50 UTM 34n) show that layer.getEnvelope(crs) returns a GeneralEnvelope with ordinates converted to the units of the CRS.

Could it be that the coordinates of the LatLonBoundingBox can not be converted to the Lambert Conformal Conic projected coordinate system in EPSG:3301?

- Tore.

On 9. des.. 2008, at 09.35, Tore Halset wrote:


I am working on a OpenMap based WMS server with uDig as the client. Over a period of time, I have added some new SRSs to the Capabilities for UTMs in different datums and so on. It has worked very well.

This time, I added EPSG:3301. The strange thing is that uDig display the orange warning sign when I switch to EPSG:3301 in uDig and the error message is something like "could not render". The even stranger thing is that uDig never tried to issue a GetMap to the server.

The solution was to add a BoundingBox to the Capabilities like "<BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:3301" maxx="800000" maxy="6.7e+06" minx="300000" miny="6.3e+06"/>"

Why did uDig need that? I have not added such BoundingBoxs for any other SRS that I have added. I have not found a reference in the wms standard requiring this BoundingBox. What SRSs need such a BoundingBox?

- Tore.

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