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[udig-devel] Wiki Page For Google SoC JTin Library

I threw up a quick an dirty page for ideas and discussion of the JTin
library on the OpenJUMP wiki. I know I am starting to get lost in some
of the long e-mails, and others may be to. I didn't have time to
respond to all of the comments made so far, or to post all of my own
ideas on how we might design the library.

However, I think I identified at least two (2) or three (3) of the
main issues (design decisions) that will need to be made at some
point. I jotted down some of my thoughts on the first two of these

I encourage others to post their comments and ideas on the wiki page.
Some of the discussion will only apply to UDig, and some only to
OpenJUMP, but the discussion on the lower level code will benefit
everyone. I will do my best to make it trough all of the comments
already provided by Chris, Paul, Stefan, and Jody so far. This may
take me a couple of days. I appreciate everyone's patience.


The Sunburned Surveyor

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