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Re: [udig-devel] Default style on custom file type


So if you can arrange for

fooHandle.resolve( Style.class, monitor ) to return non null then you are ready to go.

You have a couple of options:
- You can hard code this into your handle; look at ShpGeoResource on trunk for an example of this - You can add an IResolveAdapaterFactory to add a default style to an already coded GeoResource, but it looks like you won't need to since you are making up your own thing?

I'm trying to write a uDIG plug-in that renders a custom file type *.foo and applies a default drawing style whenever a user opens a file with extension .foo.

The .foo files contain all sorts of feature types to be rendered in different styles. The user shall _not_ be burdened with editing an SLD file, I just want him to open a file and see water features in blue, parks in green, roads in grey etc.

I created an extension fooStyle for that implements the StyleContent interface. My method createDefaultStyle() checks if the IGeoResource is a FooGeoResource, and if so, it reads an SLD file as a resource relative to the current class and builds a Style object from it which will then be placed onto the StyleBlackboard by the caller.

Now the problem is how to ensure that the BasicFeatureRenderer selects my fooStyle instead of the standard sldStyle.
Please try the above approach first, if you need to set up a copy of BasicFeatureRenderer that checks a different entry on the style blackboard then you can do that as well.
As far as I can see, the renderer simply takes the first Style object from the blackboard, and I can't figure out how to make sure that my fooStyle appears _before_ the sldStyle.
It should be specifically checking for the "sld" entry on the style blackboard, order should not enter into it.
In fact, I installed my plug-in in several different Eclipse instances, and my  plug-in appears sometimes first and sometimes last in the list.
yeah plugin order is not deterministic.
Is there a more intelligent way of disabling the default style? Is there a way of defining a filetype-to-style mapping?
See above, and we may need to back port some of the magic to 1.1.x for you?

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