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[udig-devel] Re: udig-devel Digest, Vol 32, Issue 2

Jesse and Company,
I've done a bit more investigation on my problem with the GeoTiff file and
what I've found is relevant to some of my earlier comments. I think
that the explanation that follows might have some use in furture uDig
It turns out that the file file I was trying to read
is a correctly implemented GeoTiff but that it is
in a projection that is not currently supported by GeoTools.  Working
in my own application (not uDig) I create a GeoTiffReader and attempt
to read the file. The reader promptly throws an exception indicating
that ProjCoordTransGeoKey(8) is not currently supported."
Searching the GeoTools archives I see that this is a known bug
dating from 2005, number GEOT-671, which reports that
certain frequently used projections are not supported, most
notably the Lambert Conic Conformal that was used for
the subject GeoTiff (later on, I'm going to go over to
the GeoTools mailing list to ask how to go about implementing
the projection... so expect more whining on my part).
Anyway, I feel that if uDig had a mechanism for reporting this
fact when I was first trying to load up the file, I would have
understood the program much more quickly and with a lot
less digging. And this represents a general pattern of
implementation decisions in uDig that I think could be improved.
Simply put, the program is uncommunicative.  It knows what
it's doing, but doesn't share that knowledge with the users. You,
the uDig developers, have access to knowledge and insights
(and also, non-uDig tools) that are not available to ordinary
users or even applications developers like myself.  So perhaps
it doesn't seem like a very pressing development requirement
when writing code. But I encourage you to at least consider
if this issue doesn't merit a higher priority in your approach.
Again, I wish uDig the best of success and make these
suggestions not just to kvetch, but because I think it is
a necessary element to obtaining that success I hope
the application will achieve.

Gary W. Lucas, Senior Software Engineer
Sonalysts, Inc
215 Parkway North
Waterford, CT 06320
(860) 326-3682

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