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Re: [udig-devel] Printing investigation and PostGIS

Hi Cory,

I have an even better idea: ignore it entirely and always go by what you can pull off the first feature in the geometry column. Use queries on the system tables to find all the spatial tables in the database.


On 17-Nov-06, at 6:33 PM, Cory Horner wrote:

Cory Horner wrote:

sebastien.piau@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

2) PostGIS:
With the RC4, i can load some geometrics data from postgis without specify any CRS (the geometry_columns table contains -1 for all SRIDs), then if i modify the layer's and the map's CRS in the same way, data are allways visible! But the RC5 seems to be more restrictive : If i modify the layer's and map's CRS, i cannot see the Postgis data! I can only view the postGIS data in the default CRS (WGS84?).

If I try to change the SRID in the geometry_columns table, I obtain the following message : 9 nov. 2006 17:47:41 executeQuery GRAVE: Error Performing SQL query: SELECT "gid", encode(AsBinary (force_2d("the_geom"), 'XDR'),'base64') FROM "public"."georoute500_troncon_route_dep" WHERE "the_geom" && GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((517901.17217599996 2384050, 517901.17217599996 2385010, 519165 2385010, 519165 2384050, 517901.17217599996 2384050))', 27562) org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: Operation on two geometries with different SRIDs

Maybe, the "the_geom" data are not encoding with the right CRS? What do you think of that?

Hi Sebastien,

To follow up, I have done some work on the geotools PostGIS module today and relaxed some of the restrictions on the geometry_columns table. If this table is not properly populated, geotools will now do its best to try determine the geometry and crs rather than just failing with a "bad config" exception.

These changes are not present in uDig yet, but they will trickle down in the next week.

Further details here:

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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