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Re: [udig-devel] Printing investigation and PostGIS

Cory Horner wrote:

sebastien.piau@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

2) PostGIS:
With the RC4, i can load some geometrics data from postgis without specify any CRS (the geometry_columns table contains -1 for all SRIDs), then if i modify the layer's and the map's CRS in the same way, data are allways visible! But the RC5 seems to be more restrictive : If i modify the layer's and map's CRS, i cannot see the Postgis data! I can only view the postGIS data in the default CRS (WGS84?).

If I try to change the SRID in the geometry_columns table, I obtain the following message :
9 nov. 2006 17:47:41 executeQuery
GRAVE: Error Performing SQL query: SELECT "gid", encode(AsBinary(force_2d("the_geom"), 'XDR'),'base64') FROM "public"."georoute500_troncon_route_dep" WHERE "the_geom" && GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((517901.17217599996 2384050, 517901.17217599996 2385010, 519165 2385010, 519165 2384050, 517901.17217599996 2384050))', 27562) org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: Operation on two geometries with different SRIDs

Maybe, the "the_geom" data are not encoding with the right CRS? What do you think of that?

Hi Sebastien,

To follow up, I have done some work on the geotools PostGIS module today and relaxed some of the restrictions on the geometry_columns table. If this table is not properly populated, geotools will now do its best to try determine the geometry and crs rather than just failing with a "bad config" exception.

These changes are not present in uDig yet, but they will trickle down in the next week.

Further details here:


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