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Re: [udig-devel] bugs in the trunk

On 4-Nov-06, at 8:08 AM, Andy Czerwonka wrote:

Hi guys,

I just updated to the latest version of the trunk - rev 22600. I think I've found a couple of bugs. I'd be happy to put them in JIRA if you want - I'll
need access.

1. BasicCommandFactory#createAddLayer(ILayer layer, int index) no longer creates the new layer at the appropriate index. My code is adding the layer to index 0, but it's ending up in the next position. In tracing through, it
looks like it is correctly adding it to the layers list
(getMap().getLayersInternal().add(index, layer);) , could it be be on the rendering of the Layers view. It worked correctly prior to rev 22600...
which brings me to my next point.

The layer ordering was messed up for about a week. 0 should be at the bottom of the map. 1 it the second to bottom, etc...

2. A continuation of the first issue... when the layer appears in the Layers view, it is not checked, but the layer is being rendered. When I "check" it, it goes away. When I "un-check" it, it comes back. In the version
prior to 22600, it came up "checked" as anticipated.

Ok I think I know what I did to cause this. It occurred yesterday right at the end of the day. It should be a 1 liner to fix. Thanks for the report.

3. The rendering of a particular layer via the Layer#refresh(Envelope
bounds) is rendering all the layers - I think. In the svn rev prior to 22600, the render was very smooth (I'm doing an animation with a timer), but now the entire map flashes - very choppy. This could be a change in the implementation and I'm using an incorrect Envelope. In the end, I need to
re-render my layer, which I created from my MapGraphic.

I'll look into this.

To sumarize, prior to 22600, I was able to create a layer at the appropriate
index with the proper "checked" state and it rendered smoothly in an
animation.  This is no longer the case.

Hope this helps.

It's great.  Thanks a ton.

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