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[udig-devel] Shapefiles and sld:ExternalGraphic

Title: Shapefiles and sld:ExternalGraphic


I'm using uDIG 1.1 RC4 and in my program I create a shapefile of type MultiPoint (shape type 8). Using this shapefile with uDIG works fine as long as I use a sld file with sld:Mark: All of my about 50 points are shown.

But when I try to use a sld file with sld:ExternalGraphic only 1 of those is shown although more than 1 are in the range of the viewport. When that one currently shown is not in the viewport anymore (because of panning or zooming in) another one is shown. But as I said always only 1 at a time is displayed.

Here are the diffs of the two sld files:

Vergleichen von (<)D:\Projekte\uDIG\data\pin.sld (2310l Byte)
 mit (>)D:\Projekte\uDIG\data\hits.sld (3959l Byte)

<                             <sld:ExternalGraphic>
<                                 <sld:OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="" href="file:/D:/Projekte/uDIG/data/pin.gif">file:/D:/Projekte/uDIG/data/pin.gif"/>

<                                 <sld:Format>image/gif</sld:Format>
<                             </sld:ExternalGraphic>
>                             <sld:Mark>
>                                 <sld:WellKnownName>x</sld:WellKnownName>
>                                 <sld:Fill>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="fill">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>#FF0000</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="fill-opacity">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>0.75</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                 </sld:Fill>
>                                 <sld:Stroke>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="stroke">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>#000000</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-linecap">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>butt</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-linejoin">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>miter</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-opacity">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>1.0</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>2.0</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                     <sld:CssParameter name="stroke-dashoffset">
>                                         <ogc:Literal>0.0</ogc:Literal>
>                                     </sld:CssParameter>
>                                 </sld:Stroke>
>                             </sld:Mark>
<                                 <ogc:Literal>75.0</ogc:Literal>
>                                 <ogc:Literal>20.0</ogc:Literal>

Any hints where I do something wrong?


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